The Endless White Void...

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Ink had been travelling through the multiverse for a long time when he came across one he had forgotten about... Or had wished to forget...

The Anti-Void...

Not many AUs travelled there and those that did, only did so to avoid the destruction of their own Universe's...
He too had been trapped in this place for a long time after his AU had been given up on and forgotten...

He hated...

No Feared this place more than any...

He hated the way it went on forever... Just White nothingness...

After a glitch had happened to his already corrupted state, he was given Broomie... And with the large paintbrush came the colours that would later save, as well as give him purpose...

But the colours weren't only his source of power but something much more... Important...

Ink stared at the blank page in the Doodlesphere that held the portal to the blank wasteland... He may hate the place... But it was also the only place to refill his paint vials... And after a run-in with Killer!Sans, Killer, he was almost out of Orange and Blue so he needed a refill...

But as he entered the blank AU, Ink could already tell...

He wasn't alone...

Ink turned around and dodged just in time to miss getting hit and trapped by the Royal Blue Strings that had flown his way. The slightly taller Black and Red boned Skeleton, that had attacked him chuckled, "Sup Squid! Ready for round three hundred and forty-two?!?".

Ink sighed at the Glitchy Skeleton, they'd been friends off and on since they were kids, but right now they were kinda in the middle of that... They weren't really fighting... But it had been some time since they'd last hung out... Ink wanted to go back to that... Travelling through the AUs was always more fun with Error around...

But that was something for another day... Ink wasn't in any mood to deal with Error... Let alone get all buddy-buddy with him... He was stressed... The blank space around him was sending shivers up his spine and making his headache... He just wanted to refill his vials and leave as soon as possible... "Error... Please, I'm not in the mood for a fight... Just leave me alone for 10 minutes and then I'll be out of your hair..."...

Error, on the other hand, was all for a fight... Or at least to bug Ink. He knew Ink hated the Anti-Void and was curious as to why he was there... "Nah Ima just follow ya instead."


Ink had never told anyone where he got his paint, let alone shown! Not even Blue or Dream knew!!! And now ERROR OF ALL SANSES WANTED TO SEE!!! "OH HELL NO!", Ink screamed to the Glitch, he had started to panic thinking of all the worst possible conclusions;

'What if Error somehow breaks it! Making it impossible to get anymore Paint! I wouldn't be able to function! To fix AUs! To help Creators! To Create in general!!!'

Error could see the panic in Ink's eyes as he considered his options, now Error was really interested. What was it that Ink was trying to hide? "Y-ya know what, y-your clearly busy here! I-I'll just come back later!", but before the small Beige dressed Skeleton could swing his brush to open a portal, Error intercepted it. "Oh come on Inky we both know how much you hate it here... You really want to come back later? Two trips to the Anti-Void in one day?"...

He had a point... Ink really didn't want to return for a long time and if he didn't need what this place could give him then he would have never returned... He could feel his Leukophobia creeping up his back... He needed to get out of here fast... "Fine... But only cuz I wanna get out of here...", he had thought it over at this point and decided that there was no real way to break it... Even he didn't fully understand it so...

Ink turned his back and began walking while Error followed...

After three minutes of walking, Ink stopped, "Stay behind me... You can watch from there but that's it...". Error could practically taste the venom coming from his words, he could tell Ink was being serious which was a first for him... Even in their battles or fights, he could tell that Ink was never really taking them seriously... It honestly scared him and so he listened to the Skeleton that was now kneeling in front of him.

Facing away from Error, Ink carefully took out his Paint vials, spacing them out along the White floor... He then took two steps back, still not looking at Error as he looked up.

Within seconds large Paint globs fell from the White abyss of a ceiling and into the vials. Excess Paint flew everywhere, covering both Ink and Error. Error screamed in Glitchy rage but soon realized that just as fast as it came, it had begun to evaporate and disappear into the White nothing... The only remaining evidence that it had happened was the now full Paint vials.

Ink went back and reattached the vials onto his satchel before turning around, "There! Happy now? Can I leave?!?"... Ink had already begun to hear the whispers of failed Creators around him, his emotions were out of whack as the panic began to rise in the back of his throat...

Error was about to answer but it was too late... The small Skeleton had reached his limit inside the White nothingness, as he turned around and painted himself a portal back to his home. Error watched as Ink bolted through the portal and outside to the place he sometimes called home...

The 'Star Sanses' Residence...

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