A Waking Nightmare...

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(A/N:... Ok so... I don't like to put
A/N's in this story but this chapter especially needs a warning, this chapter contains graphic and unpleasant as well as triggering content not suitable for all ages. Reader's discretion is adviced... Edit: I replaced the pic for this chapter because honestly FuntimeFreaks made a WAY better one! It honestly gives me shivers just looking at it and fits perfectly)

Ink was minding his own business as he left Error's room in the 'Moon Sanses' mansion, he'd been there off and on for a few weeks at this point, but he never liked leaving his room without Error being there, no matter how many times he told him he'd be fine... Ink knew this as well, he was actually friends with a few of the other 'Moon Sanses';

Helpped Dust in the kitchen,

Butcher polish his weapons,

Killer hide from Fell,

Fell find Killer when he deserved it,

And had become especially close with Cross whether it be knife practice, watching anime, hiding from Nightmare to watch anime, and hiding from Nightmare after asking what certain Japanese words ment. Cross even sang with him on days he needed a little emotional boost!

Even a few of them knew about his emotion... Issue... Those being, Dust, Killer and Cross... Cross always found Error for him on bad days...

The only person in the house at current that didn't like him was...


He didn't really understand why, but Nightmare had hated him since the moment him and Error had started their... Strange relationship... And it wasn't helpping any that the others all liked him too... He didn't really care but it was still enough to keep him in Error's room when he wasn't there.

Error was on a mission today, but had told Ink to stay until he got back instead of going to the 'Garden', Ink's AU home, or the 'Star Sanses' base/home... Ink had a bad feeling and had even told Error about it, but he simply told him that they would go together once he got back, "The others are all on this mission too so you'll be here alone and will have nothing to worry about, we won't be gone too long this time ok?...", Ink didn't like this idea... He hated being alone, even feared it... Almost as much as his Leukophobia... Thanks to his past trauma he'd developed Leukophobia as well as Monophobia... It didn't effect him as much as his Leukophobia anymore... but he still didn't like it...

Ink made his way down the stairs to the second floor, he had been planning to stay in Error's room, but he'd suddenly needed the washroom.

As he made his way down the hall... Suddenly a large shadow was cast over him, but before he could even turn around he felt something heavy hit his head and everything went black...

(~Tem skip~)

Ink woke up in a dark, cold, wet? room... He looked around but saw nothing but a small ember fire with an iron stick in it, until his eyes adjusted to the light. He was in the celler, it was made of stone brick and had iron bars not far from where he was chained to the wall. Ink felt a breaze and as he looked down he realized he was bare boned.

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