The Test

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(3 months later)

Maya's POV

No, no, no!

I couldn't button my pants! I haven't been able to for the past 2 weeks! I don't know what's wrong with me.

Just then I felt the need to throw up. I ran to my bathroom. I didn't know what was wrong with me until now.

I went over to my sink and went through the cabinet. I found the box that I was looking for.

I did what the instructions said and I couldn't believe the answer,

Two pink pars...

I'm pregnant...

Miles' POV

It's been three months since Maya and I went on a date and we haven't really talked since. I don't know why she's been ignoring me, well she did start dating that guy Zig from high school.

I walked into Degrassi and saw Maya in the hall, she looked....different

"Hey Maya!" I said running up to her

"Oh, uh...hey Miles." she said stuttering

"Hey I uh haven't seen you in a while. hows Max?" I asked walking down the hall with her

"He's uh good. he's fine." she said stuttering

"Are you ok?" I asked, stopping her in the hallway

"I'm fine Miles." Maya said angrily

Just then, as Maya walked away, I noticed it...the bump.

Maya's pregnant...

Maya's POV

I arrived home at 3:00 to see Zig and Max watching tv together.

I walked upstairs without them noticing me.

I realized that nobody would be a better father to Max and my baby than Miles.

I sent a text to him

~meet me in the ally behind the dot in 20 minutes, we need to talk~

-see you there ;)-

A Different Kind Of High School LoveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin