Chapter eight

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Leah's POV

Looking at Clark and the shock on his face, I knew my question put him in this mood..

Clark! Clark!  Claarrrkk! I called out to him and immediately after the third calling he snapped out if his shock..

Yes babe.. Uhm am sorry. Clark said in a low tone

What's it.. Why the look on your face.. Is everything alright.. Did I say something wrong? I asked non stop and was still about to ask another question when he stopped me..

Leah, can we talk over lunch.. Am okay just don't know how you will feel after I tell you all you need to know about my background... Clark said in a rush but still with a low and calm voice pecking my head....

Give me a minute I told him as I went to meet Mr blooms.. Excuse me sir, I won't be having lunch with you... Am sorry for the short notice but I have a date now... I said quietly so as not to bring the attention of the others...

Oooohh. If that's the case you're excused Miss leah, Mr blooms said and gave me a light smile that brought out his dimples...

Thank you I said blushing as I left him to follow clark in his car..

Leah, clark called me as he held my hands and slowly kissed them... Promise me you won't be afraid after I tell you more about me...

Clark, you mean a lot to me, i didn't know when that came out of my month as I tried to clear away the thought he was now having...

Uhm, I mean you're my friend and I really appreciate all you've done like touring with me and showing me things I haven't seen before and stuffs especially trying your best to come here and support me, you really nice to me and I appreciate it clark..

Hey, listen... You mean alot to me and I know this is too early for you to take in but I like you leah.. Since my childhood I never thought I will ever fall in love but meeting you changed everything leah.. Clark said as I felt my heart racing like it was all it needed to do to win a metal...

I like you leah, no I love you babe he corrected himself as he pecked my forehead.. My mouth opened as if it wanted to say something but was closed with a kiss...

Clark kissed me. My head started spinning as fireworks came out from it.. It felt so good... His lips were so soft and tasted good also...

He broke the kiss as he whispered, I love you leah...

I love you too and I don't know how to go about the feelings but....... I was still talking when clark kissed again, but this time deeper as he asked for entrance.. Not knowing what to do I kissed him back with joy in my heart...

All these happened so fast in his car... He broke the kiss again and said, shall we? Yes we shall I answered happily....

We arrived shortly at the restaurant... Not too long after we settled down on a table, a waiter came by and took our order.... Not too hungry due to the happiness I was feeling down in me, I ordered for only chips and chicken while he ordered for Chinese food and a bottle of wine...

I don't drink alcohol I said immediately the writer left for our orders....

I ordered for fruit wine babe.. I don't drink alcohol too.. Clark chuckled at me

Wow, that's a surprise to me I said still amazed at what he just told me... All men do drink alcohol so why are you so different...

Mayb because of experience, he said with sadness in his tone...

Clark, I don't know what you have passed through but am here now to be by your side as a friend okay..

Thanks leah, he said as the waiter approached us with our orders...

Thank you we both chorused as the waiter smiled at us and said you're both welcome... Such a cute couple he said and left without waiting for any reply from the two of us..

After we finished our food, we bounced on the wine as the waiter cleared our table...

Leah, about what you asked me... Am clark Evans by name, son of Herny Evans and Iris Evans.

Okay, I said not knowing what to say... 

My mom die right in front of me while having an argument with my dad and for all I know, she was killed by him accidentally, Clark said in a low tone.

What!! I exclaimed.. How come, why? I asked full of concern.. Am sorry about that clark didn't know you passed through something like that... Am so sorry about you mom's death... I said holding his hands, squeezing them softly...

Hey leah, it's not your fault... It all happened when I was 13 and not wanting my dad to go to jail.. I kept quiet and became so cold to everyone around me except my best friend who knows everything about me and has been beside me through out the struggle... He's Scott by the way and surely you will see him soon...

"I know but still am sorry cause I never knew you passed through alot clark", I said in between tears...

He's story is indeed a very touching one and I couldn't say I understood what his feeling or how he felt back in his childhood...

Leah believe me when I say I love you..
Why I love you i don't know but all I know is you're innocent, polite and respectful... Clark said

I was about to talk or say anything when he added, please I will be honored if you be my girl...

Huh, I said with my eyes wide opened.... Did he just ask me out... Can this butterflies in my tummy stop tormenting me...

Yes leah, be my girlfriend and I promise to love you till the end he added as I closed my eyes still thinking...

C'mon leah, are you still thinking... You've always wanted him since you meet him why not give him a yes answer, my mind was now messing with me.

Yes clark, I will be your girlfriend I said as we both stood up and hugged each other... I love you clark, have always loved you

i love you miss leah, with everything in me... He whispered into my ear as he pulled me off the hug and kissed me deeply...

Being the fact that whites were in the restaurant, they all clapped as we sat down back drinking our wine and smiling....

What's happening to me, I only thought love like this happen only in movies and novels.. But now it's right here in front of a small me... Who would ever think I will fall in love again... All these thoughts filled mind as clark called out to me


Things are happening so fast....
What do you think will happen to leah now that she's Clark's girlfriend💑💑.. New chapter coming up.💃💃💃💃

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