Say goodbye

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I open my eyes as my head pounds extremely hard. My body was sore and my throat was dry and burning.

Bex. Where is Bex?!

I raise up quickly and look around to see that I'm alone. I then slowly trail my fingers along the tubes and cords running up my body.

"Oh, Miss Monroe, you're awake. How are you currently feeling?" A young nurse walks in and closes the door.

"My throat hurts and my body is sore..." My voice was raspy and it hurt a lot to talk.

"You took a bit of a beating." She nods as she jots something down.

"Oh..." My eyes widen as I suddenly remember the previous events.

"Bex...Where is Bex?" The nurse looks at me confused.

"You mean your friend- Um, Rebecca Edison?" I look at her confused.

"Yeah..." I say a bit unsure.

"Well, they've been taken into immediate surgery. The doctors said that it's critical." She gives me a look of sympathy.

"Could I go see them?" I ask. She bites her lip and shuffles.

"They are currently undergoing treatment...Patients aren't allowed any further than the main door. I'm so sorry, Hun. I'd let you see them but I have to do my job. You could cause serious distractions and mess them up...They could lose Rebecca." I nod in understanding.

"Thanks anyway," I look at her name tag. "Doctor Cross"

"Aw, haha, call me Abigail, or Abby for short." She smiles and I nod. She checks some stuff and then leaves the room after informing me that she will be back to let me know when Bex is out of surgery.

Abby comes back in and smiles at me.

"Your friend is out of surgery. Would you like to be wheeled up to see them now?" I nod and she unhooks everything.

"You just have to be careful not to startle them. They are still unconscious so if they awaken while you're in the room, try to refrain from bombarding them with questions and such. Let them process everything first then wait for them to speak." She pulls a wheelchair into the room and helps me into it.

Once I am wheeled out, I can see Mom and Chloe sitting in the lobby. Mom has her head in her hands and she's bent over.

"Jordan?" I hear Karson's voice and I look back. She tears up more and smiles.

"I'm so glad you're okay." Her voice cracks.

"Jordan!" Chloe whisper yells causing mom's head to snap up in my direction. She jumps up and walks to me quickly.

"Jordan, thank God you're okay." Her body shakes with sobs. I smile and hug them both and whisper,

"Can I go see Bex?" My mom nods at me and I get out of the wheelchair and walk to the elevator. I press the button and as soon as the door opens, my heart drops. I'm scared to see what condition they are in.

I slowly walk to the room and close the door slowly. They lay there with cords and tubes running to their body. They look weak and drained, yet somehow peaceful. I notice the gown and I chuckle a bit.

"Bex wouldn't approve." I smile slightly as I tear up. I grab my clothes and walk to the bathroom attached to the room. I change into a pair of sweatpants and a tank top.

I walk back out and sit in a chair next to the bed as I wait for Bex to wake up.

"Bex...I am so sorry. I didn't mean to get you into this mess. I can't believe you put your life at risk like that. When I found you, I couldn't believe what I was seeing." I tear up and sniffle as I quietly sob. "I thought I was going to have to say 'goodbye' and I wasn't ready to."

Bex's p.o.v

"-When I found you, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. " I hear her sniffle and quietly sob. "I thought I was going to have to say 'goodbye' and I wasn't ready to." Her voice cracks and I open my eyes slowly.  The light beams down into my eyes and I cover them. I uncover my eyes and look down to see Jordan sitting there with her head in her hands.

"J-Jordan?" My voice was horrible. It sounded like a teacher's nails scratching against a chalk board.

"Bex?" She looks up and instantly sobs more. I smile sadly at her as she shakes with sobs and scoot over slightly to make room for her.

"Get up here, Baby." I whisper and she slowly crawls in next to me. I hold her gently, careful not to hurt my stomach.

"I- I thought you were dead. Wh-why- why would you put yourself in danger like that?" She sniffles and sobs quietly. I shake my head and hold her closer.

"Karson told me she had seen someone's shadow in the window after I had jumped out of the window. I couldn't bare the thought of you getting hurt so I tried my best to fight." I look down and see a bruise in the shape of a handprint on her neck. It was dark and prominent...She'd even have a problem hiding it with makeup. I frown at this and rub it gently with my thumb as I caress her neck softly.

"I've already seen it..." She trails off and I nod slowly.

"Hey, you're alive...I'm okay. I think that's all that matters." I whisper as I kiss her head softly.

"Yeah," She whispers back quietly and rubs my chest softly. I notice I'm in a gown and shake my head.

"I don't approve of this. At least not at the moment." She laughs a bit and nods.

"I knew that you wouldn't approve." She wipes the tears from her eyes.

"Come on, Princess. Let's get a bit more rest. We could both use a bit of it."

Abby's p.o.v

I walk into Rebecca's room and see they are both asleep. I smile slightly and check everything before walking back out and putting a 'Do not disturb' sign on the door. A nurse puts her hand on the knob and I notice visiting hours is over. I bite my lip and look around quickly.

"Hey, the doctor needs you in the ICU wing." I look at a chart noticing she infact was wanted in the room. She nods and walks to the elevator. I sigh in relief and get back to work.

"That was too close." I mark some things out on the paper and go back down to let Jordan's family know that she fell asleep with her friend and they're welcome to wait in the hall or go home and rest.

They chose to go home and rest up but promised to be back early in the morning.

I smile at them and happily show them to the back exit.

"You be safe." I smile at them.

"Thank you. You too." The little girl says.

I close the door and get back to work.

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