"Bex...Not now"

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I had finally calmed down and layed down on the bed with Bex. They run their fingers through my hair and I begin to feel tired.

"Rest, Love." Bex mumbles tiredly before laying their head down.

"Okay..." I close my eyes and instantly fall asleep.

~            nightmare                   ~

I walked down the hallway and tiptoed down the stairs not expecting to see a man standing in a hood. My eyes widened and I gasped. Just as I took off running my wrist was grabbed and I was pulled back down the stairs.

"AHH!" I scream as I attempt to get away.

"You killed her!" My father seethed before stabbing me multiple times in the chest and stomach. I gasped and grunted as I lowered my hand to the open wounds. Thick, viscous red liquid coated my fingers and I began to choke on blood.


I shot up out of bed and screamed loudly. I began to sob into my hands and shake.

"Jordan!" Bex shot up and instantly pulled me into their lap.

"Make it stop, make it stop, MAKE IT STOP!" I rock back and forth as I grip my head.

Bex's p.o.v

I held her and stared at her bewildered. I hadn't known she was having nightmares like this.

"Calm down. Shhh, it was just a nightmare." I sooth her and rub her back as I hum a lullaby.

"Bex, I-I need to tell you something." Her eyes were bloodshot and her face was as red as an apple. My heart clenched at the sight of her looking like this again for a second time.

"Go ahead..." I mumble as I lay us back.

"A while ago...after my mom and dad had gotten into a divorce, my dad found a beautiful young woman named Alysha, and they dated for nine months. I got along with her and I would see her every time I'd visit my dad." I nod as I listen intently.

"We had created a bond. It was like she was my second mother. One day we were going to the mall and I was just learning to drive. She had told me I could drive on the way home. My anxiety spiked once I was behind the wheel but she calmly talked me through it and we even laughed off most of my mistakes." Her voice begins to crack again.

"I stopped at the red light and it changed to green. When I had started to drive again I heard a horn from behind me. Someone behind us tried to warn us. It was dark out by the time we left from the mall. We were hit by an intoxicated driver. She ran the red light and hit Alysha's side. The car flipped and we landed on the hood in a ditch..." By now my eyes are watering as she sniffles and talks weakly.

"She told me to get out after she smelled smoke. I kept saying 'no' and tried to unbuckle her but it was jammed." She sobs quietly and I clutch her hand tightly.

"I was pulled out of the car by a man. When he went back to get her out she had already lost so much blood and the car had caught on fire. He cut the buckle and got her out but by the time the ambulance arrived she was presumed dead." Her body shook violently as she choked out the last of the story. I was sniffling but I quickly wipe my tears away and held her.

"I passed out and woke up at the hospital. I had hit my head on the steering wheel so hard I had temporarily lost my memory. When I finally regained it, I had proceeded to ask where Alysha was. Everyone was silent. They would not answer me and I begged for someone- anyone to just say something. Finally, one night I had a "nightmare"... I saw the wreck happening all over again except I was remembering what I had forgotten. When I remembered that Alysha had died my world stopped. I cried for hours and stayed curled up on my hospital bed. I refused to eat so they hooked me up to tubes and kept me hydrated...When I got back home to my mom, I stayed home for two months before deciding I wanted to see my dad." Her voice begins to crack again.

"He had called me before I left to see him and told me he never wanted to see a disappointment like me again. I cried and ran to my room. I had started cutting and burning myself. I went back to school and everyone acted different. They were so gentle with me, like I was a fragile glass rose waiting to hit the ground. " I could feel her body getting colder as she spoke.

"I have a permanent scar from that wreck." She pulls her hair back away from her head and shows me a scar along her jawline.

"You're beautiful." I whisper remembering that's the exact thing she said to me. She smiles a bit and then frowns.

"He must have wanted to get revenge because he thought it was my fault...but he had acted so calm when he did see me in public. I thought he had realized it wasn't my fault and moved on..." Her body shakes with sobs and I hold her tightly. Eventually we both fell asleep to the sound of light rain hitting the roof.

<Next day>

I woke up early in the morning and began to gently trail kisses down Jordan's neck to wake her up. She stirred in her sleep and let out a few low moans here and there.

I bite down softly just below her jawline and she gasps a bit as she subconsciously grips my hair causing a light moan to escape my lips.

Finally she wakes up and blushes immensely once she realizes what's going on.

"B-Bex- I" I just smirk at her and walk downstairs to see her mom cooking breakfast.

"Good morning, Bex." Her mom smiled warmly at me.

"Good morning, Ms. Monroe." I smile. She had finally warmed up to me since the stabbing incident.

Jordan trots down the stairs and I notice a red spot on her neck that looked a bit purple-ish. My eyes widen and she looks at me confused. I gesture to my neck to give her a hint. She looks in the glass of a picture hanging on the wall of the stairs and her eyes widen. She runs upstairs then comes back down minutes later with it covered.

I walk to the kitchen and get some kool-aid while Jordan's mom cooks. Jordan walks in and gets some water before leaning against the counter with her hands propping her up with her back facing me. Her mom leaves the kitchen to answer a phone call and I walk behind Jordan.

I see her body tense up and I smile a bit as I run the tips of my fingers along her waist and up her shirt softly. She shivers and leans her head a bit as I kiss up her neck then turn her around and back her against the counter. She looks at me a bit shocked as I place my knee in between her legs and slowly lean in. I smile a bit when I notice she was leaning in as well. Just as our lips almost touched, we hear the 'click' of the front door closing and we pull apart as her mom's voice breaks the silence that fell upon us.

We sat at the table after her mom had announced that the food was done. She sat the stuff on the table and gave us our plates. I had made mine and Jordan's.

I sat down and began to eat as Jordan and Chloe picked on each other. I ran my hand along Jordan's bare thigh as she wore shorts and a T-shirt. I hear her gulp down the food as she glances at my hand. I run my hand along her thigh and her eyes flutter closed for a moment.  She hums lowly and shuffles a bit as my hand inches closer.

"Bex...not now." She whispers and I smirk as I pull my hand away and continue eating.

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