Chapter 28: Satisfying Cessation

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Author's Note: Sorry for the wait, I just got a new job IRL and have been busier than I already was. I'm also working on 3 different side projects separately from this book and my IRL job. Hope I didn't lose anybody's interest in this story, as it's been APPROX. 1 month since the last chapter was published. Does this chapter feel rushed? It was. I didn't want to hold out any longer, so I tried to hurry up and write this chapter for you all before you are completely convinced that I lost interest.

[POV Of Your Room]

*You slowly opened your eyes. It was apparent that you'd been asleep for a while because the light in your room was blinding. You rubbed your eyes*

Louis: Y/N's up.

*You were in your bed, back at the school. Louis and Shawn were across the room playing games with a deck of cards*

Y/N: What... what are you guys doing in here?

Louis: Playing cards.

*He winked then kept playing*

Y/N: I know, but why in here?

Shawn: Someone had to keep an eye on you while you were out. You weren't looking too hot.

*You sat up and stretched*

Shawn: Feeling all right?

*It took you a moment to remember what happened before*

Y/N: I'm okay. How long have I been out?

Louis: Oh, not too long... Just almost an entire day.

Shawn: Yep...

*Shawn flipped a card on the table*

Shawn: Almost 24 hours. How's the head?

Y/N: My head?

*You rubbed the back of your neck. You felt better after resting, but your body was sore*

Shawn: AJ told me your head was hurting.

*Was AJ fine? You hoped so. Where was Clementine? Was she okay?*

Y/N: It was hurting earlier... or before. It's fine now. I took a couple of bad blows to the head, but I think I'm good.

Louis: Just hope it's not a concussion.

Y/N: I'm okay.

*They went back to playing their game like everything was back to normal. Was it?*

Y/N: So, speaking of AJ-

Shawn: Don't worry. He's not hurt, he was just a little tired. He's all right now.

Y/N: Clementine? Where's Clementine?

Shawn: Ruby's taking care of her. She's over in the admin building.

*You remembered the bite, and her leg being cut off. It was a gruesome memory*

Y/N: Is she...

*You choked on your words and swallowed to regain composure*

Y/N: Is she alive?

Shawn: We're not sure. You should head over there and check with Ruby. I think she's stable though.

*You let out a sigh of relief. The fact that she was resting was proof enough that she hadn't turned into a walker. The only thing you were worried about now was blood loss*

Louis: She woke up for a second earlier. She didn't know where she was and was asking for AJ.

Shawn: Poor girl. Lying there in pain and the only thing she can think about is if AJ is all right.

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