Birds of a Feather

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Milladras desperately needed a break. Just one day where it didn't seem like the fate of the world rested on her shoulders. Of course it didn't all rest on her. But when every waking moment revolved around the Legion and Gul'dan, she would be damned if she couldn't take one day to get away from it all. There was one person that crossed her mind as she made up her plans that could really benefit from, what she sarcastically called, 'Operation One Day of Down Time'.

"Archdruid!" Thisalee jogged over just as she had sent out her last troops on several missions.

"How can I help you?" Milladras hid her scowl at the delay in her leaving.

"Naralex needs me to accompany him to the Lost Temple with him and I wanted to run it by you."

"It's fine by me. Take the Ancient with you. He's been chomping at the bark to go to the Broken Shore." The two druids laughed. Thisalee saluted her superior and ran off to join Naralex at the portal to Deliverance Point. Retreating back into her quarters for her time on the Isles, Milladras changed out of her combat armor and slid on more casual clothes, all the while giving Zen'kiki instructions for the day should anyone search her out. Once dressed, the Archdruid hastily made her way up the hill to the Dalaran portal and stepped through before anyone else could distract her.

The morning sun sparkled beautifully on the rooftops while the city slept. She hoped it wasn't too early for her friend but the sooner they got off of the Broken Isles the better. The streets were relatively empty aside from a few guards and Kirin Tor mages milling about. Everyone had the same air about them as Milladras did, wanting to be left alone while they made their way through the city. At the base of the Violet Citadel, she noticed the light coming from his chambers signalling he was indeed awake. The guardians just glanced at each other as the night elf transformed into an owl and soared to the balcony where she landed and turned back into her normal form.

Khadgar groaned, lowering his head onto the table, glancing sideways at the parchment in his hand. How long had he been awake? He set the paper down and just stared at the wall. He closed his eyes and must have fallen asleep because he dreamt of someone kneeling beside him and rubbing his back.

"Silly man." A voice spoke. He knew that voice. The hand on his back stopped and moved to his hair, fingers running through his silver locks.

"Millie?" He opened his eyes and was met with the soft glow of blue eyes and her smile. "Am I asleep?"

"No." She laughed quietly, standing up. "Come on, I want to take you somewhere."

"Now?" He yawned and sat up.

"Yes now. I'm on an important mission." Her face was dead serious so he hurriedly woke himself back up and followed her to the balcony.

"Where are we going?" His question went unanswered as the Archdruid threw herself from the railings, laughing as she plummeted before rising once more as an owl. Khadgar just rolled his eyes and transformed into his raven and following her to Krasus Landing where she greeted one of his mages who was holding open a portal.

"Is this the right one?" The mage asked.

"Yes. Thank you." Milladras stepped through, grabbing Khadgar and pulling him with her. On the other side, he took a minute to take in his surroundings.

"We're in Hearthglen?" What on Azeroth was this woman doing? "What sort of mission has led us here?" A sly smirk spread on her pale lips. She's possessed by the fel, she's brought me here to kill me, he thought. Once more, in a shower of feathers, she took to the sky. Sighing, he followed suit, flying as fast as he could to catch up. She led him over Tirisfal Glades.

"I needed to get away from the chaos for a little while. I thought you could use a break as well." The owl offered her explanation on the sudden trip.

"You said it was an important mission! The Legion is advancing on the Broken Shore and we're taking some time off?" The small raven stopped and just looked at the massive violet bird.

"If we do not rest, for even a few hours, we're going to burn out. We are no good to the world if we are dead."

She started off again and the two flew in silence until she suddenly dropped down to land in a clearing untouched by the scourge's corruption. With an elegant twirl, the owl turned back into the tall elf he knew all too well. The sunlight illuminated her long white hair as she slowly stepped into a circle of giant mushrooms.

"Amazing. I've never seen a faerie ring this large before." Khadgar circled the ring, taking in everything about the oddity.

"I used to come here with some old friends. It was our favourite place to get away from whatever war we were fighting."

"It is quite a peaceful spot, I would have never known that Tirisfal could still hold such beauty." He stopped his observations and glanced at his old friend who stood amongst the fungus. He thought about all of the times she had done things like this, things to take his mind off of the countless battles, things that made his understanding of her change.

"Why don't you conjure us some food?" Milladras unclasped her cloak and laid it out on the grass. They both sat and Khadgar summoned a loaf of bread effortlessly.

"I feel you only keep me around for my delicious treats." He laughed as he tore off a chunk and handed it to Milladras. They ate in a comfortable quiet and simply enjoyed the sounds of nature long after the bread was gone. The sun was well overhead when the mage noticed some rather odd changes in the clearing. Faerie dragons started to emerge from the treelines along with an assortment of scourge-touched bear and deer. "Millie what are al-"

"Shh, come one." She carefully got up and gathered her cloak in her arms. "Be sure not to spook them." He curiously followed her to a large oak tree outside of the mushroom ring. With one high leap, the druid pulled herself up onto a thick branch, leaning down and offering her arms to Khadgar. Once he was pulled up and settled on the branch, he quietly inquired about the odd gathering.

"Why have they come here?" Still too loud for her liking, she put a finger on his lips and leaned in close to briefly explain.

"No one knows why but they gather here occasionally to perform." Khadgar felt nervous with her so close.

"Perform?" She ignored him and simply watched as the dragons converged on the circle, Khadgar focusing on them as well. The seven creatures started emitting a strange beam, their lights meeting in the center over the ring. A soft music came from them as well. Milladras smiled and laid her head on her friend's shoulder. The faerie dragons put on their strange light show for only a few minutes but it was something Khadgar would never forget. Once their ritual drew to a close, the beasts retreated back to where ever they came.

"What did you think?" The elf jumped out of the tree and landed gracefully, looking up and smiling at him.

"I've never experienced anything like it!" He carefully jumped and landed safely with her help. "Thank you, this is exactly what I needed. Well, this and a nap."

"You are right, the day is still young." She laughed. "Take us back then, mighty Khadgar." With a stylish flourish, he summoned a portal back to his quarters and the two stepped through.

"That was truly amazing, Millie." The woman pushed him to the small bed in the corner of the room and sat him down, kneeling to take his boots off. "I can do that."

"No, if I left now you would just go back to working."

"I- you're right. But you would do the same." He undid his heavy robes and dropped them to the floor, straightening out his tunic. Milladras did the same with her cloak and crawled onto the covers, sitting against the wall and laying his head in her lap. She ran her long fingers through his hair in a soothing manner, locking eyes with the mage.

"Your eyes are so young, have I ever told you that?"

"Every time you see me." He closed his eyes and smiled softly, thoroughly enjoying the way she played with his greyed hair. "You should have seen me before the curse."

"The way you are now is fine with me, though I do miss the beard you sported in Outland." She laughed quietly, running her hand down to rest on his stubbled cheek. "Now quiet, silly man, and go to sleep." The sun shone high over the mage city of New Dalaran, nevertheless the two heroes finally got the rest they deserved.

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