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The streets of Dalaran were filled with chaos. Since the appearance of Argus in the sky, the citizens of the floating city were in a panic. Milladras observed the masses of scared people as she weaved her way through the streets in an attempt to meet with Khadgar in the Violet Citadel, dodging the runners. Some voiced doubts of the Kirin Tor, others muttered in gibberish, and the doomsayers were no help to the mayhem with their pamphlets and words of validation. She tried to ignore the doomsayers and frightened citizens but something stuck out to her amongst the shouting and ruckus. One little noise stopped the Archdruid in her tracks as she glanced around to find the source. No one else seemed to hear it, if they did they simply ignored it. Milladras honed in on the soft whimpers and made her way to it. A child, no older than six, stood in a corner crying for her mother and father. In an instance the tall night elf had sat herself on her knees in front of the child.

"Tell me what is wrong, young one." She spoke softly. The young girl raised her face out of her hands, eyes widened in surprise at seeing a champion in front of her.

"I c-can't f-f-find my mommy or d-daddy and I'm l-lost!" The girl started sobbing.

"It'll be alright. Do you know where they went?"

"Th-ey said they w-were going to t-the bank for a-answers." She seemed to be calming down, though only slightly. Milladras waved over a passing guard.

"Well met, Archdruid." He greeted. The girl glanced between Milladras and the guard.

"This child has lost her parents, could you check both banks for them?" The guard nodded as she whispered the situation to him. "Now can you tell us your name? This kind guard will go find them for you and bring them back here, okay?" The girl nodded, wiping her eyes.

"My n-name is Ewelina Thackeray."

"Alright sweetheart, I will be back with them shortly." The guard left hurriedly to search.

"Why don't I stay here with you and keep you company? Would you like that?" The girl nodded and sat down in her outstretched arms. "Why don't I tell you some stories from my adventures." Ewelina smiled at Milladras' suggestion.

Across the city, Khadgar paced the Citadel. Where was Archdruid Starrunner? He had an important task for her and she was nowhere to be seen. He decided to search the city for her in case she was being hassled by one of those damned doomsayers. The archmage transformed into a raven and flew off to find his champion. He flew over the entire city it seemed until the blue glow of her scythe and long white hair caught his eye. Landing a few yards away and returning to normal, he started for her, about to call out her name when he heard her telling a familiar story to a child that sat in her lap.

"And then he blasted the beast away. If it wasn't for the Archmage I would have been Rylak food." Milladras laughed. Her back was to him so she didn't see him approach. The girl she was talking to did notice however, eyes going wide and locking on him. The archdruid noticed the shift in her focus and turned to see what had grabbed her attention. She flashed him a welcoming smile. "Ishnu-alah, Archmage. I was just telling young Ewelina here about the time you saved my life in Nagrand." The man chuckled at the memory.

"Which you have done for me plenty a time." He sat beside Milladras. Ewelina still seemed starstruck to be sitting with two of Azeroth's finest heroes. "I was worried that I might have to save you again which is why I came looking for you."

"I apologize, I found miss Thackeray in peril and just had to help."

"It is a pleasure to meet you." He said to the young human. The girl was shy towards him, clinging tighter to the archdruid.

"Don't be afraid of silly ol' Khadgar. He is one of the nicest of all of Azeroth's champions." Ewelina shook her head.

"He can't be nicer than you!" The two adults laughed.

"You're right, but he can be equally as nice can't he?" Milladras locked eyes with the mage. "He's been kind when no one else was. He's helped unite the Horde and the Alliance for a common cause."

"I know, he's just so awesome." The girl finally let go of the night elf and faced Khadgar. The two heroes told stories from past conflicts and present, Milladras even talking about her childhood home of Suramar. Khadgar knew little about her life there, never thinking about how she felt being back after so many millenia. Time seemed to slow as the girl listened contently to crazy rescues and harrowing missions and it got her thinking about the two.

"You couldn't hang onto me long enough and I fell into the lake!" Khadgar scolded softly.

"Well I wouldn't have dropped you if you had just let me transform into a drake! One owl carrying a human and an unconscious dwarf was doomed from takeoff." Milladras huffed. The girl giggled and locked eyes with Khadgar.

"So are you in love with Millie? Mommy says that you favor her over all the other champions. Is it because you love her? Is that why you called her here, to confess your undying love for her?" She took a breath before continuing. "Millie said you two were close friends in Draenor. Is that when you first fell for her? She said you two did everything together."

Khadgar and Millaras' faces burned bright red at the girls barrage of questions. The Archdruid couldn't help but laugh at Khadgar's shocked look though. In truth, she had been wondering the same thing for some time now but knew it wasn't her place to ask.

"Just because two people are close, young one, doesn't mean they are in love. The Archmage and I are merely good friends, isn't that right?" Milladras looked him in the eye.

"Y-yes, that's right." He stuttered once he got over the surprise of the topic.

"Archdruid!" The guard from before ran over with two worried people behind him. "Oh, Archmage, hello."

"Lina!" The girl's mother cried out in relief.

"Mommy, daddy!" She hurried out of Milladras' lap and into her parents arms.

"Thank you Archdruid! Thank you." Her father shook her hand and walked with his family away from the two heroes. Ewelina waved over her father's shoulder. Khadgar looked back at Milladras and noticed the soft smile on her face as she watched the three disappear around the corner. There was the slightest touch of sadness in her eyes as she turned to walk to the Citadel, not waiting for Khadgar to join her.

"Milladras wait." He caught up to her.

"So Khadgar, what can I help you with today? Shutting down portals, slaying scores of demons, or even doing research with your mages?" He dropped his questions and walked alongside his longtime friend.

"Well I was hoping to read what your researchers had found on your weapon." Once inside the Citadel, the two took a portal opened by the mage to the Purple Parlor.

"So that's why Celadine sent me with this massive tome." Milladras settled herself on one of the chairs, heaving the heavy book onto the table. "Was that all?"

"Uh," Khadgar sat across from her, pulling the book to him and opening the cover. "Yes, yes I believe so." They sat in silence for a moment before the night elf rose.

"I guess I will go see Aimee about some carrot cake. Just send that silly orb of yours again when you are done with the book. Oh, I almost forgot." The woman reached behind her neck and unclasped a cord that had gone unnoticed by Khadgar. "I got this from that weird guy that wears the murloc suit. I thought you would like it." She walked behind him and leaned over to gently put the gift on him. While she fidgeted with the pesky clasp, Khadgar took a breath and spoke.

"It was Draenor." He waited with bated breath for any sign of acknowledgement. Her hands had stopped moving on his neck. Milladras walked to the doorway of the balcony and looked back with a shy grin.

"I know." With a dramatic flair, she threw herself from the balcony, letting out a happy hoot as she transformed into an owl and flew off to Aimee's cart. Khadgar looked down and took the pendant of his new necklace in his finger and ran a thumb over it. The polished ivory murloc glistened in the light.

"Sorry, Wrynn." He sighed, dragging his hands down his face. That woman...

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