Emily,Justin Bieber,and Friends

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Emily Julia Jones- 18 years old, pretty long brown hair. She models acts and sings currently dating Justin Bieber

Justin Drew Bieber- I think you know him he's 18

Arielle- is so sweet, Emily's BFFLE <3, later on she'll date Christan

Tali- super funny with long dark wavy hair, dating Chaz Somers, another one of Emily's BFFLE <3

Gillian- my stylist and my BFFLE ever since middle school

Chaz Somers- look him up

Christian Beadles- look him up

Ryan Butler- look him up

Gordon Magruder Jones- Emily's 17 year old awsome brother

More prologue:

Emily is also signed to island def jam so, that's how her and Justin met. Because Tali is friend's with Emily her and Chaz is friend's with Justin they just fell in love. Right now Justin, Emily, and Tali are in Canada to visit Ryan and Chaz. Chaz has so say something important. It is summer time.

And btw POV stands for point of view

Chapter 1

(Emily's POV)

The plane ride from L.A to Canada was a little difficult but we survived haha. Chaz and Ryan came to pick us up and Chaz was driving, I was really nervous cuz he isn't the best driver lol Chaz.

(Tali POV)

I was so happy to see Chaz again it feels like forever. The minute I saw him I wanted to give him the perfect kiss but, it would be awkward with everyone watching and we haven't kissed yet. We arrived to Justin's dad's house it was my first time so i was a bit shy. Emily said she has been here before so, I just followed her. Justin opened the door and screamed where is my beautiful angel and right that second Jazmyn came running into justin's arm. Jazmyn is so adorable!! I noticed that Emily was holding Jaxon and he had the cutest eyes. Anyways we put our stuff in their guest room. Then I followed Emily to Jazmyn's room.

(Justin's Pov)

It felt great to be with my little brother and sister. Jazmyn really clicks with Emily, I guess its cuz their girls. Emily and Tali were painting Jazmyn's finger nails and Chaz and I were playing with goldfish crackers with my lil' bro, don't ask why we are just like that. It was almost dinner so, Chaz said he knew the perfect place to eat. Before we went Tali, Emily, and I took showers and got dressed. Chaz took us to some small Italian restaurant. Everything was fine until paparazzi showed up, how do they find me so fast(stalkers). They kept asking us some retarded questions, like is it true your mom is dating Harry Styles, or is it true Emily likes someone? Then Chaz yelled and said bro go away and take pics of squirrels or something.

(Emily POV)

I cant believe Chaz just said that Tali just started laughing and my face was straight up red. We just quickly ordered and ate as fast as we could and decided to leave. Ya. Tali said that she wanted to go to Chaz's house and she wanted to know what was the surprise he was talking about. All of us ran up stairs to Chaz's room. Then the room became silent. Finally Justin broke the silence and said wuts up? Chaz breathed in heavily and said my family and I are moving to L.A

(Chaz's POV)

Everyone was super shocked! Tali ran up and hugged me so tightly (loved it) but, she didnt kiss me :(. Justin just gave me one of those guy hugs and asked me why we decided to move for LA. I just responded saying well we just thought it was a time for a change and I needed to be closer with Tali. After all that I lied to Justin that he left his a pair of his Supras in the garage and I sent Emily with him.

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