Garroth giggled watching the wind fly Laurence slightly in the air because of his huge clothing, through the window. He had to stop his laughter due to it hurting his stomach. When his puppy ran back to him, with a angry nurse holding a broom, Garroth quickly pretended to sleep.
Keeping one eyelid slightly open to watch the nurse slowly collect her composer. She leaned to check on her patient, when she believed he was sleeping, quietly, she left his breakfast beside him.When the coast was clear Garroth started giggling, and tickling his little puppy.
"Who's a good Pokemón puppy, who's a good Pokemón puppy! Yes you are, yes you are!" He said in a baby talk as Raven play fought with his hand, the dog accidentally kicked his abdomen. Garroth held in a scream of agony because he didn't want to upset his dog, he saw that Raven looked guilty.
"Oh it's fine! Your a good boy, a very good boy!" Garroth cheered cuddling his golden retriever, for awhile.A knock came from the door, Garroth called to who it was.
His mother's head popped in with the same nurse that chased off Laurence.
"Hi baby! You feeling ok honey" Zianna cuddled him and Raven, kissing her sons face."He's going to be here for a bit, luckily the bullet didn't hit any vital organs, your football suit saved you!" The nurse chirped hugging her clipboard.
"Can I go now?"
"No we need to do some urinal and blood tests, as well as another endoscopy, then you can rest! Oh dear I recommend you place that pillow on your stomach!" She quickly grabbed a pillow and placed it on Garroth's stomach.
That's when the doctor entered with no uniform only the best attempt at formal wear, so Laurence must of stolen HIS uniform.
He was going to laugh but the doctors face was filled with rage so Garroth kept it to himself."I'm here to clarify that the bullet we removed from Mr. Ro'meaves abdomen, has been sent to the police. Your time at the hospital would be around three more days, to at most a week. We also recommend you stay away from football, or any sports to do with running for that matter, as it may injure you more" The boys face fell looking like a deflated balloon.
Zianna quickly grabbed her hand bag pulling out a card and box.
"But good news, your friends and school has sent you a card and cakes!" She showed him the card it was handmade from blue sugar paper and Kawaii~chan's bubble writing wrote in an arch. 'Get well soon Garroth~Kun!" And Aphmau's huge smiley face drawing.
Garroth opened the card and inside was everyone at the school; students, teachers and other workers in the school, signatures with small, uplifting messages. Flipping the card around Garroth saw Laurence's signature and small message. 'I'll drink to your health and hope you get better! Best of luck Skittles!'Garroth covered his face with the card, of course Laurence would do some subtle rainbow joke. He then opened the box of cakes, there were cupcakes each designed after something he liked. The nurse hurriedly took the box saying he needed to eat the required hospital food, her and the doctor left. His mother sat with him while the two talked, and played games.
Garroth did his urine test and blood test, as well as many scans, only his mum at his side.It had been three hours, and his mum had to leave and took Raven home, she gave him a hug. Leaving him alone, he watched Hell's Kitchen for a couple hours. He stopped watching, afraid his eyes might turn square, reaching for his phone only to find his battery died and he had no charger.
All hope was that he could get out the hospital soon.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Zane watched the small, annoying bug sitting next to him. Unfortunately Aphmau was off doing some chores for the teacher, forcing him to sit next to little Laurence.
The only fun thing to watch, was Michi make him miserably uncomfortable.
"So little Laurence you seem quite flustered there. Is the thought of George shooting Lennie giving you a hard time?"

The new teammate - Garrance fanfic
أدب الهواةPhoenix drop high football team 🏈, a very successful team with thanks to their quarterback Garroth ro'moave. But their team is about to have a new member, who's gonna not only help them but, stir up some tea with other schools and beef within the s...