Chapter 3: "Do I Make You Nervous?"

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Chapter 3

“Do I make you nervous?”

Joanna’s P.O.V.

Annie was out babysitting for the night and Delilah was in another city with her debate team so I was home alone. I was sitting on the couch watching TV in Soffe shorts and a sports bra while my dinner was heating up.

3 months.

That was how long I had. Annie and Delilah don’t like talking about it. All my life my dream was to grow up, get married, have a couple kids and be happy, but all those dreams seemed like…. Well, dreams. That was all they were now.

DING!  I jumped when the timer went off signaling my dinner was ready. I walk over and take my pizza out of the microwave and sit down at the table. Just as I was about to take a bite out of my greasy deliciousness, the doorbell rang. Who would come to see me? Wow. I sound really pathetic. I wipe the grease on my shorts and open the door.

It was Louis.

“Um, hi.” I say.

“Hi.” He said shoving his hands in his pockets, “Can I come in?”

I step to the side, “Um, yeah, sure.”

He walks in and we stand there in an awkward silence until I say, “I’m gonna go put a shirt on….”

He gives a quick nod and I walk off to my room. Why was he here? I grab a plain white t-shirt and walk in to find him standing in the same place I left him, “Do you want a slice of pizza? I made extra.” He gives me a small smile and nods. I get another piece from the microwave and set it beside mine. I walk over to the fridge and say, “want a drink or anything?” he nods his head and says, “I’ll just have water.”

“Okay.” I say grabbing two water bottles.

“Thanks.” He says as I sit down next to him.

When I had finished half of my pizza I decide to break the ice, “Ok, well, um, not to be rude or anything, but-“

“Why am I here?” Louis finishes.

“Yeah…” I reply.

He brushes his hands on his pants and says, “Why do you hate Zayn so much?”

I stop chewing and slowly set my pizza on my plate, “He sent you didn’t he?”


I raise my eyebrows in surprise, “Really?”


I throw my plate in the trash. Louis throws his in the trash, too and I put my hands on the counter with my back to him, “I have my reasons.”

“What reasons?” he says close enough where I can feel his breath on my neck. I turn and face him to find him inches from my face.

“Reasons.” I say my voice cracking.

Louis smirks, “Do I make you nervous, Joanna?”

“No.” I say looking around for possible escape routes.

“Then why don’t you trust me?” he says tilting his head slightly to the side.

“I just met you.” I say swallowing hard.

He leans in putting his mouth up to my ear and whispers “Trust me.”

I open my mouth to reply but my voice fails me. Just at that moment my phone goes off. We both jump and I look at the screen: It’s Friday. The notification says. I smile and say, “I have some where to be.”

“Where?” He questions.

“Places.” I state simply.

Next thing I know my back is to the kitchen wall with his arms on either side of me. His mouth is to my ear and I feel him smirk again, “Are we really going to have to do this again, Joanna?”

Our chests were pressed together and my leg was position in between his. He smiles, “’Cause I don’t know about you but I am really enjoying the position we are in right now.”

I slip under his arm and say, “I really do have places to be.”

“I’ll come with you then.” Louis states. I open my mouth to protest but he cuts me off, “A pretty girl like you shouldn’t be walking alone at night.”

I glare at him and say, “You won’t take no for an answer will you?”


I groan, “Fine.

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