A/N All About Y'all

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Hello brethren. So I have a question for you:
What would you like to happen?
I don't want to write one shots so it won't be chapter by chapter, however I do want lots of feedback on how to grow and evolve the story. Really the only decisions I've made so far are as follows

- Breredith is happening
- "you" will be best friends with Joe Walker and Lauren (and obviously good friends with everyone)
- That being said, if I get a lot of people saying they want a closer relationship with someone I will 100% take that into account
- I haven't really made my mind up about who the love interest will be so it could be basically anyone apart from Jaime, Meredith, Brolden or Darren.

So please please please give me your ideas I so want to know what you guys think!!

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