Chapter 3 - The One With a Million Introductions

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We end up running out of our dorm building as Lauren notices the time.
"This is fine. This is fine. This is-"
"Lauren! Stop chanting that, it's super creepy!" I pant as we run past dozens of other freshman and their families going to their dorms.
"Sorry, it's just I like someone who's going to be there and I want to see them and I'm stressing about that, not being late." She pauses and cackles, "Soon you will find out that I am late all the time. Ooh ooh! Just around here." She grabs my arm and yanks me around a corner to face a hole-in-the-wall cafe. We brush off our clothing and unsuccessfully try to control our hair and fix our makeup.
"We wouldn't look like we just ran a marathon if we didn't have to sprint here, Jesus Christ." I catch my breath and Lauren does the same.
"Ok calm down drama queen,  you look pretty fit and you're barely sweating. Here, let me wipe my sweat off in your hair."
I laugh so loudly the people inside the cafe look at me funny,
"That's. So. Disgusting." I giggle and Lauren laughs too. She grabs my arm and pushes me inside, steering me towards the back corner where there's about half a dozen people.
"Hello all." Lauren says loudly, and as though she's addressing her people, "I present before you, a new friend. Y/n! Mother of wrap dresses, chief of bad 90's music and queen of getting places on time."
My feels so hot you could cook a pancake on their, it's so silent and so embarrassing until,
"Welcome, oh great y/n! I am the Good Sire Joey Richter, leader of the lightweights and king of getting things done last minute. What brings you here, fine dame?"
Everyone laughs a bit louder at what a tall, grinning guy says just as loudly and I smile thankfully at him, he nods back and I clear my throat.
"I come in peace from the great land of Canada to pursue knowledge and learning in Musical Theatre and Film and Media, I may be but a freshman, but thou better believe I am already behind on work." I drop the voice before saying, "And 90's music isn't bad!"
"No no, it's fine. The stuff you listen to as god awful, though." Lauren quips as she pulls up seats for us. The group all laugh at our banter and my response to Lauren and the tall guy. I'm introduced to all the others and is instantly I know these are my people. My family.

Across from Lauren (who is to my left) is Jim, a very, very tall person (who tells me they are non-binary) with a very, very deep voice. Next to Jim sits Julia, clearly the Mom of the group, she is kind and sweet and offers me her cardigan when I mention how chilly it was outside. Next to her is Joe, otherwise known as Walker, he and I become best friends almost instantly and our banter rivals Lauren and mine. Next to Walker is Nick, he's quick witted and clearly super smart, we bond over our love for Space Balls. Brian and Meredith are next and they are all wrapped up in each other, holding hands and sharing food. I hit it off with them too, it's occurs to me that there isn't a single person here I don't click instantly with. On my side of the table at the very end away from me is Brian, he's funny and kind and the way he looks at the barista at the counter tells me than he would like, I think. He asks about Canada and I learn of our shared love of skating, next to him is Joey, the tall, smiley guy from before. He has a crooked jaw, and deep brown eyes. When I first read Willy Wonka I always wanted to be Augustus Gloop, to fall into a pool of chocolate and swim around forever. I feel like that now looking in Joey's eyes. I don't say much to him, in fact we don't really talk at all. Between me and Joey is Dylan, who reminds me of Winnie The Pooh. He has a voice like honey (pun intended) and hugs me when I sit down, but I can't stop thinking about Joey. It suddenly occurs to me that maybe Lauren likes Joey. The thought gives me a little wave of panic that I try to push down. Soon more people come and we are more crowded than before, something I didn't think possible. Now there's Devin, tall and sarcastic but smiley, Jaime, who hugs me and promises to take me all around Ann Arbor, Darren, loud and charismatic and dancing along to whatever song the cafe's playing and Aj; sweet and dorky and a little clumsy. There's a moment when everyone's talking to each other and over each other and having private conversations and just speaking to the void, and I look around at these people. Who I've known for all of forty minutes, but who already love me and I love them. They are my family. Lauren grabs my hand and squeezes it,
"You like them?" She looks nervous, like her friends aren't the best people I've ever met,
"I love them. So much."
She smiles and hugs me,
"They love you." She whispers and returns to her conversation, about whether converse are appropriate for every situation or not. For the first time, in a very, very long time, I have friends, true friends who won't hurt me or leave me. I have a home.

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