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'I did not know that Central park was so big,' Reece stated as the group walked into Central Park. Levi, Eleanor's younger brother had added himself to the group and was talking to George.

'Shut it, Reece. We've been here before,' Blake said. 'And you said the exact same thing.'

'Shut it, Blake,' Reece muttered underneath his breath, but Devon heard it and chuckled loudly.

'Eleanor, Blake and Devon are bullying me,' Reece shouted and run over to Samuel and Eleanor.

'Blake, does Eleanor like Reece?' 'Good question, Dev. I don't know,' Blake answered and carefully took Devon's hand in his.

'I mean, Ellie likes someone. I just can't put my finger on it,' Devon said and gasped. 'What if it is Samuel!'

'What's with me?'

'You're fabulous,' Devon replied smoothly, leaving Blake astonished.

'How did you do that so quickly?'

'Practice, Blake. I say a lot of things out loud,' Devon explained. 'And sometimes I need to cover up myself.'

Blake nodded.

There was a silence between the two of them and neither did one try to break it.
Both were deep in their own thoughts.
Wher the one did think of life after New York, did the other think of someone in California.

Blake could not help it, when he was with Devon, he kept thinking about the girl in California. It needed to stop. He wanted to let go of her, but couldn't. Knowing that she did let go of him much earlier, did not make it easier at all.

And then, Blake remembered a plan he had made when his mind was foggy of the alcohol.

'Devon, I know you said you did not want to go on dates anymore. But I think you aren't boring and uninteresting, so can I take you on a date? Before our ways separate?'

It was true, Devon went to Scotland in a week, and Blake and his friends went to California.

'A date?' Devon asked dumbfounded. Blake wanted to go on a date with her?

'Yes, a date. You know, that thingy where we do fun stuff and act like a couple,' Blake explained with a big smile on his face. Sure, he was scared as hell for Devon's answer, but what exactly did he have to lose?

'Uh, sure. Doing fun stuff and acting like a couple, why not? As long as we don't go to the Burger King. I mean, there are so many good fast food restaurants and then, there is the Burger King. It's horrible,' Devon ranted and Blake laughed.

'We will not go to the Burger King,' Blake said and laid his arm around her shoulders. 'There are so many better things than the Burger King.'

'Good, when did you want to have the date?' 'Tomorrow?' 'Tomorrow, isn't that too quick?'

'But baby, you need to know. Time is not on our side this week. We both will separate our paths next week,' Blake said.

'But Blake, you need to know that I don't give damn about time. Time doesn't matter if something is worth fighting for,' Devon spoke. 'But I agree with tomorrow? What time?'

'Three o'clock?'

'That's perfect,' Devon replied and looked around her.

'Blake, we lost the others.'

'We're going to tell each other a thing they don't know about you,' Eleanor shouted.

The group of seven had sat themselves down in a little wooden house with a slide in one of the playgrounds of Central Park.

'Let's search in the box of untold secrets,' Devon spoke quietly and Levi agreed.

'There are so many things that were supposed to be hidden for the human ears.'

'Levi, bro. Are you going to storm into Area 51?' Samuel asked. 'Devon and I are going to, will you join us?'

'I can't decline an offer from the Mighty Samuel. Sure, I always wanted to know if there were aliens,' Levi said.

'You already have one at home, you know. She's sitting next to you, right now,' Samuel chuckled and screamed as Eleanor hit him with her water bottle.

'Alright, I will start. I have a driver's license,' Devon said.

'And yet, you're still taking the subway to everywhere,' Eleanor commented.

'Did you ever see the traffic in New York?'

'Fair point.'

'I've once broken a playstation controller and this is the first time I tell someone about it,' Levi said and his cheeks became red.

'Oh, that's why you needed a job all of a sudden! You did not want that someone did find out,' Eleanor yelled.

'I knew there was a reason for. I mean, what sixteen year old boy does want to work?'

'I've fallen on stage more times then I've fallen in love,' George spoke with a steady and serious voice.

'Same, George, same,' Samuel said. 'Actually, it feels like I'm falling.'

'From what? A cliff? Or Empire State Building?'

'Gee, thanks Devon for the support,' Samuel scolded.

'Falling in love with someone is amazing. That feeling, I swear,' Eleanor wondered.

'Agree, until they reject you and it all goes downhill,' Blake mentioned.

'Experience? Because in that case, same.'

'I think we all can agree with that,' Levi muttered. 'The world is cruel when it comes to love.'

'Agree, agree. I mean, people are cheating on each other like it's normal. Oh, I don't want to be with you, so I kiss someone else. Oh, he is probably cheating on me, so I will share the bed with someone else,' Eleanor explained.

'I share the bed with someone else?'

'What's wrong with that?'

'Sharing the bed with someone else. It sounds funny,' Samuel said and hugged Eleanor.

Levi made a sign to Devon and Devon smirked.

There was definitely going on between Samuel and Eleanor.

And Devon was thrilled about it.

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