(12) "Guess what I just did."

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"Alright, here's the plan," I turn to Megan in the apartment corridor, tug on my black leather glove and lower my voice to a whisper. "I'll bust down the door, we have approximately ninety seconds to get what we need and get out. Remember our escape route. The door at the end of the corridor opens into a stairwell. Rendezvous at the car at ten past nine. Remember, ninety seconds."

"Bea," she slips the beanie off my head and drops it into my duffle bag. "We have as long as we need because Kevin is out of town. How about I meet you at the front door when we're both done."

"Look, Megan," I straighten up and drop the whisper. "I have very little joy in my life right now and if I decide to turn this into a black ops mission, just go along with it."

She rolls her eyes with amusement and heads to the front door with her own duffle bag. "Come on Agent Blake."

I guess I had gone a little overboard. Head to toe in black lycra and gloves might not have been needed but I'm pretty sure that I'm having some sort of extended episode. So I'm rolling with it. However, I don't bust down the door. I let Megan unlock it with her key which she drops onto the hall table the moment that we get inside.

"Won't be needing that," she smiles over her shoulder. She'd dressed a little more casual than me. Jeans and a knee length coat and scarf. I might have worn something similar if I hadn't been so carried away after we made these plans on the phone last night.

The two of us split off. She heads into dad's room and I go to mine. Which is where I find Lucinda. Putting all of my clothes into boxes.

"Lucinda." She startles and stares at me with my favourite pair of culottes in her hand. "Are you boxing up my stuff?"

"Sí," she nods, fidgeting with obvious nerves. There are boxes on the floor and on the bed. I glance over at the closet and it's almost bare apart from a shelf of shoes. "Mr Blake tell me pack. Bethany move. Pack clothes."

I swallow. He wastes no time. Bastard. I'm almost tempted to go into his office and shit on his desk. A small parting gift. Perhaps I'd just throw his bed out the window. Or poison his food in the fridge.

That got dark fast.

No. I wouldn't touch his things. I didn't want legal implications. I just wanted my stuff and a new life. It made me realise though, I'd have to take absolutely everything that's important to me. If he was being this efficient so fast, I doubt he'd waste much more time clearing the entire room out so that he can turn it into a gym or rec room.

"Uh," I nod and drop the duffel bag. "Yep. It needs to go into Mr Blake's car." I point downwards and then steer an invisible wheel, like I'm driving a car. She nods along. "The boxes need to go into Mr Blake's car. I'll call reception to help."

"I call," she points at herself and scurries past me. "I call. Boxes in Mr Blake's car."

She's gone before I can let her know that I don't mind doing it. Part of me wishes that I could take Lucinda with me. Not so that I have a maid around. Just because she deserves better than to work for a bastard like Kevin.

I don't waste time with my task. Which is getting as much as I can into the two spare boxes that are here and the duffle bag I brought. I'm grateful that the boxes are here. I hadn't thought about how little I'd be able to get into one bag. I'd been too focused on dressing up for a covert mission.

The rest of the shoes are packed, my laptop and personal items. Little trinkets or knick knacks that I'd collected or been gifted over time. I'm almost done with my photo wall when Megan appears at the threshold of the room with her bag visibly more full than it had been when we arrived.

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