David Mahoney

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David Mahoney was an awesome person. He had everything anyone wanted. But everyone had there downfall. David had one thing that no one else knew. He had a problem with his health he had a very rare Disease called migrainese, a headache disease.

Here is his story

David woke up and took his daily pills. It was any other day of the week. He went to the bus stop and talked to Niko. When the bus got there he sat in his usual seat and waited for Henry to get on. The bus was boring until Henry got. After talking about the latest game. David noticed that the bus went to some weird dead end. After a while Brittany was stabbed , then Jessie was, after Niko and Margeret got shot. Then I saw Maddilyn get on and beat the driver. Everyone else was to scared. So me and Henry got to save her but before we could move we heard a gun shot and Maddy's scream. He came back in and shot at the top of the bus. He told us not to move At All! He threw the present out of the bus. He grabbed the wheel of the bus. He pushed the petal and made a U-turn. David being himself got up and grabbed the drivers hands and told everyone to run. It wasn't much help though. He grabbed the knife and threatened the driver. The driver swerved and David fell out of the open doors and fell on the knife! He died right there.

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