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In the middle of the night Namjoon woke up to get a drink of water.He tried turning the lights on, but they didn't turn on so he went to the fuse box.There was nothing wrong.He questioned why the lights didn't work if nothing was wrong with the fuse box, so he went and woke up Yoongi because he's good with technology also."Yoongi wake up" Namjoon says while shaking him to wake him up trying Not to wake Y/N in the process.Yoongi groans annoyed "what!" "The power" Namjoon replied right then a loud boom of thunder practically wakes the whole house up and Taehyung comes running out of his room with Yeona.Y/N woke up and Yoongi jumped up."Baby why isn't the power working?" Y/N says Yoongi replied "It's alright baby the storm messed up the power I'll fix it."

                    *A few hours later*

Yoongi goes out into the living room where everyone is waiting for him to fix the power."Ok guys in conclusion the power won't work for a few days possibly weeks-" They all question "WHAT!!!" "If I may continue uhm I called the technician and he can't fix it." He finished talking and walked to sit down beside Y/N and put his arm around her."Taehyungie do we have to stay in the dark?" Yeona questions with a pouty face "Yes baby we do I’m sorry just stay by me and I will protect you." Taehyung replied Yeona just snuggles deeper into his chest.

Yeona starts complaining "It’s sooo daaaarrrrkkkk!!!!!!Ugggghhhh!!!!!!".Y/N woke up from her nap just to tell Yeona it is not that deep."I'm so tired Yoongi can we go to sleep pwease."Y/N asked Yoongi "Yes kitten." Yoongi answers.Taehyung stops them "wait guys we should play truth or dare."

"Yo we should.let’s play truth or dare where if you don’t do your dare you have to drink 10 straight shots of vodka." Hoseok said."Ok I'll go first" he grabs a flashlight."Truth or dare Jimin."Taehyung said "uh- dare" Jimin answered Taehyung looked at Jungkook and winked "Ok Jimin-ssi haha kiss Jungkookie." "On the lips." Yeona starts laughing "do it."  She said. Jimin scoots over to Jungkook and Jungkook starts blushing along with Jimin he leans over to him and kisses him.Yeona said "Aww I ship it." She looks at him and winks knowing he enjoyed it.Jimin starts blushing more then he pulls away from the kiss.Then Jungkook says “Jimin-ssi?” Jimin questioned “Yes Kookie-ah?” “I-i’ve liked y-you for awhile now and I want to ask you something” Jungkook continues. Jimin blushes “yes”. Jungkook’s heart speeds up and he starts blushing like crazy “Jimin-ssi will you be my boyfriend” he says with a worried look in his eyes in fear that he might get rejected. “Yes Kookie-ah I will be your boyfriend” he says lovingly.Everyone says “aww” in unison as they look at the adorable couple.

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