The start

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As the first trimester came to an end I was happy to do nothing for two weeks.

Seeing a text from Jimin I looked shocked and rolled over on my bed.

'Hey Y/N! You are friends with Yoongi, right?😁 He is turning 19 next week and we were wondering if you wanted to come to his surprise party? We are all bringing something like balloons or other decorations.
Can you text me back on your thoughts?

'Yoongi is turning 19?' Shaking my head I started to type.

'Hey, Jimin! Sure I would like to come!! I'll bake a cake? Could you please send me his address tho?

Getting a reply back fast I smiled.

'Great, that sounds amazing! I'm looking forward to it already!
His address is: ***_***#**'

'Thanks!! Me too ^^' I replied back.

As I smiled I turned onto my back and spread my arms. "He is friends with Yoongi too! Wait! Am I even considered "his friend" in Yoongis eyes?"

Rolling back over to my nightstand I took a sip of my water. Starting to cough I felt a slight pain flash through my chest. I didn't think anything of it but it hurts for sure.

Sitting up I felt dizzy, shacking it off I went downstairs. Seeing my sister sit behind the piano I smiled as I huffed. 'Practice makes perfect.' Seeing her snap her head up from her phone her attention was caught. 'O-Oh I was just t-taking a break that's all!' Giggling I walked into the kitchen. 'Okay I believe you.' Hearing her nag the front door opened. Mom and dad returned home.

We had a very musical household.

'Are you guys practicing?' My dad asked smiling. Nodding S/N looked over at him over her shoulder and nodded. 'Yes dad!' Chuckling I sat my hand on my hip. 'I practiced the whole day in school today with Yoongi so I will skip it tonight.' My mother smiled at me and walked up to me. 'You should invite him over for dinner some times. You are talking a lot about him these last couple of weeks so I would love to meet him.' Blushing slightly I nodded. 'Sure I'll ask him.'

As the evening fell we all watched tv together. Me and my sister being a little distracted on our phones as we made conversation with our parents.

When I abruptly stopped with what I was doing as that pain from earlier shot through my chest again I clutched my shit. Pressing my teeth onto each other as I grunted, leaning forward.

'Honey what's wrong?' My mom looked concerned at me as she sat at the edge of the couch. 'My chest won't stop stinging.' Being exhausted from only saying those few words I felt myself grew weak. 'Dear call an ambulance!' My mom being a nurse she calmed me down.

'Sweetie it will be okay. Keep on breathing with me.' Looking at her and breathing with her I saw my father and sister look over her shoulder in angst. 'Let's go sit against the wall in the hallway if you can stand okay.' Nodding I stood up, my dad holding onto my side.

My sister laid a soft blanket on the ground for me to sit on while we waited for the ambulance to reach our house. This is an emergency and I wasn't even aware of it.

'I will be fine.' I huffed and puffed. 'Sweetie we need to check. Have you had this before?' Nodding my head yes and flinching in pain I answered. 'Earlier today but only for a brief second so I didn't think anything of it.' Nodding still with a concerned face My mother turned to my dad.

'Pack her a bag for the hospital please.' Rushing up the stairs I could see my sister was crying. 'Come here.' Signing her to sit down beside me I hugged her and shushed her while rocking. I felt myself becoming more relaxed in a way that helped the pain but it also made my consciousness fade.

'Do you have pain in your left arm?' My mom asked. 'No~' As my eyes rolled back with my faint answer. I felt myself lean onto my sister and fall into a slumber I thought I would never been awaken from.

The violin that was sacrificed for the pianoWhere stories live. Discover now