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Yoongis pov.
I still remember that day.

It was early in the morning when I got the call.

'I'm sorry Yoongi-' Her mother sobbed. 'But she has passed away last night.'

My eyes widened as My phone fell out of my hand. Grabbing my keys I ran as fast as I could to the hospital.

Running in I saw her family stand in the hallway in front of her room door.

Panting I came to a halt in front of them and bowed deeply. 'I am so sorry.' I said as the tears escaped my eyes.

'You don't need to be sorry!' Her mother pulled me into her embrace. 'She never wanted us to cry... But I'm glad we all are because that means-' She tried to hold back her tears. 'That means we care for her and love her.'

I felt my heart break into a million pieces as time went on.

She passed away due to a heart attack... Her body couldn't take it anymore.

'Can I go inside?' I asked her parents as I wiped my eyes. Her parents nodded.

The door was slowly opened for me.

Seeing her lay peacefully on the bed with a small smile on her pink lips, just like she always head tears stung my eyes again.

'Hey Y/n...' I stood beside her bed.

'Why didn't you tell me you were sick?' I softly sobbed as I looked at her beautiful face. 'I miss you.'

I took her hand carefully. 'I still love you, Y/n. I wish we had more time together.' Breaking down in Tears I lay my head down on her shoulder. She still smelled like sakura flowers.

Smiling a little as I thought about our kiss I pulled in my lips. 'I'll always love you~'

5 days later the funeral was held. I offered to play during the ceremony playing all her favorite songs, and the songs we used to play together.

All her friends said goodbye to her as the rays of sunshine fell onto the coffin.

Smiling as I looked over at her picture while I played the last song: Clair de lune by Debussy. I Feel my heart spark with relief. She finally found her peace because she knew she gave hers to me, making me the man in our story we wrote together.

I cried tears of happiness while playing making the people stand around me just as emotional. This is how she would have wanted it. The people and the music she loved together.

About a month later we had out end work.

I was dismissed for turning it in but I wanted to anyways.

Playing along with the video performance we took in the hospital people seemed to enjoy it.

While playing it felt like she was right there with me on the stage. Looking over at her spot I softly smiled as I thought about the beautiful memories we have together.

After I told the meaning behind the story the jury gave me a round of applause, that didn't happen often.

She turned this into a mast piece!

Visiting her grave after school I lay down a bouquet of flowers. Crouching down I smiled.

'Thank you for everything Y/n... You are the star at the sky that always catches my eye, because you shine so bright. Please wait till we can someday play together again up in heaven. Until then... Y/n~' I looked up at the sky and smiled knowing: she was the violin that was sacrificed for the piano.

The violin that was sacrificed for the pianoWhere stories live. Discover now