xi. Farther

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 { unedited }

They stay in Timant for one night. It’s peaceful. They leave after giving the town a warning, like every other town. Jarrett’s still tired, no matter how much sleep he got that night. His legs ache, his eyes droop. And he can’t stop thinking about Autumn. She doesn’t go near him and he doesn’t go near her. It’s better that way, because then he doesn’t turn as red as a tomato.

Michael thanks the leader of Timant, and they set off again. The sun is bright, and in the middle of the sky. Noon, is it? If attackers fell upon them at this moment, Jarrett would just allow them to take him or kill him. He’s so over it. He’s so tired. “How’re you dealing, Jar? Get enough sleep last night?”

“Of course. But I’m still tired. I feel like my brain’s been fried. And my limbs have turned into jelly. I’m becoming a three-course meal.” Roselle is walking beside him. “And I miss Ris. A lot.” Rose nods in agreement. “And Ley, of course. But I know how much Autumn would love Irisa to be here.”

“We’ll get back to them. Hopefully Grist protects them well.” He nods, not knowing what else to say. “Uh, and, Jarrett?” He raises his eyebrows to urge her to continue. His legs are moving numbly now, just straight ahead. He wonders if he’d be able to stop if the need arose. “What’s going on with you and Autumn?”

“We kissed. For a long time.” He gulps. “And now I can’t talk to her without becoming a tomato! Yet another part of the three course meal that is me!” Rose chuckles. “What about you and Michael?” There’s a pause. They can hear Autumn and Michael up ahead discussing something, walking with their arms around each other.

“I don’t know, Jarrett. He’s a nice guy.” She looks down, attempting to be subtle at wiping away her tears. “But his sister needs him. The loss of someone you love can often only be comforted by another whom you love.” She looks up again. “But I do miss his singing,” she says, grinning and running up to Michael, leaving Jarrett in literal dirt.

She starts to belt out a chorus Michael used to sing, but she’s very off-key. Jarrett catches up, beckoning for Pedro to do the same. He doesn’t know Pedro very well, but he’s stayed alive so far – so A+ at survival for him. “And, darling, I will be loving you ‘til we’re 70.

He laughs, continuing on with her. The song doesn’t sound as full without him strumming on the strings of his guitar, but it still sounds lovely. Michael’s into music from the olden days. “And, baby, my heart could still fall as hard at 23. And I’m thinking ‘bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways.

Autumn continues, grinning from ear-to-ear. She doesn’t sing as well as Michael, but she’s not horrendous nor is she off-key. “Maybe just the touch of your hand. Well, me – I fall in love with you every single day.

She raises an eyebrow at Jarrett, and he states, “I don’t sing, remember, Autumn.” And she laughs.

And I just wanna tell you I am,” she belts. “So, honey, now – take me into your loving arms.” She forces his arms onto her hips, and she gingerly places hers on his shoulders. “Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars.” She looks up at him, into his eyes, as they sway slightly. He imagines they’re alone, without Roselle and Mikey mimicking them a few feet away. “Place your head on my beating heart,” she continues, quieter now, resting her head on his chest. He gulps, not knowing what to do.

Michael stops singing. So, they all do. Autumn pulls away from Jarrett, smiling at him. “Well, that was fun,” she chuckles. “Like last time.” And he realises, that in fact, that scene did occur last time the song was sung. They had danced, and Irisa with her then boyfriend.

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