Chapter 1

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???'s POV

  Darkness, all I could see was darkness. That was until- "H-Hey wake up!" My head was throbbing as I slowly regained consciousness. Lazily opening my eyes, a blurry figure came into view as the blaring light of the sun made me squint. Someone was shaking me violently while screaming. "WAKE UP ALREADY!!!" "O-OI STOP SHAKING ME SO MUCH GODDAMMIT!" Right after speaking I'm glomped into a hug by a red flash- Wait a second I know that red flash!, "What the hell shitty hair!?! Stop acting like a child and get off of me!" "But Bakugou!-" "Don't 'but Bakugou me'! What the hell is going on? And," I pause looking at my surroundings "-Where in the hell are we?" I say shoving him off me.

  "Well firstly," Kirishima states while brushing himself off "My memory is a bit hazy, but I think we're shipwrecked? Either that or the crew finally got so sick of your attitude they threw you over bored!" Giggling Kiri offered a hand to me "Yeah well guess what DIP SHIT if they threw just me overboard why the hell would you be here!" I yell as I jabbed his hand away and picked myself up. "Oh... well I guess then we just got shipwrecked." He says nonchalantly while shrugging. "How the fuck are you so calm about this?!" "Bakugou, I'm a dragon... I've lived in the wild before this ain't exactly my first rodeo." I huff in response deciding not to push it further. "Oh! And secondly," Kiri continued "I have no clue I've never been or seen a place like this before." "Wow aren't you helpful." I say sarcastically.

  "Hey I'm trying my best here!"

 "Yeah sure you are, anyway what do you think caused us to shipwreck?"

 "Hmm maybe it was that storm we were in?"

 "What?! But that storm was small. At least it was compared to others we've survived in the past. But still how did that take us down?!"

 (Authors note: Plot convenience...)

  "Oh Bakugou, you should know by now! Size doesn't matter only how you use it!"


  Hey guys that's it for the first chapter I know there's not any yandere or reader YET but I really wanted to establish the storyline/starting point first. Don't worry the next chapter WILL have yandere and the reader. But I just felt like, this needed to be put into place before anything else. I'll post the next chapter soon but just be patient it will probably take a few days. A week or two at most depending on how much I procrastinate :p. Anyway I'll see y'all in the next chapter UwU

(P.S. If you're wondering where the rest of the cast is, they'll join in as the story progresses.)

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