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I woke up the next morning feeling a chill run through my body. I opened my eyes, looking around and I noticed it was because Alex had just gotten up and headed to the bathroom, resulting in the blanket being shifted off my torso. I quickly pulled it back up and snuggled into it, closing my eyes once more.

I thought back to last night and how I fell asleep with Alex holding me. If that had happened back in middle school I probably would have been over the moon with joy, only now I just felt weird, but I pushed whatever I was feeling to the back of my mind because in the end we only did it to keep warm, that's it.

A few moments later Alex came back out of the bathroom. His light brown hair was sticking up in every direction and he looked tired. He trudged over to the bed and fell onto his stomach, burying his face into his pillow and groaning. How can such a jackass be so adorable at the same time?

He shifted around, getting under the blankets and then moved closer and wrapped his arms around me, just like he had last night. I froze for a moment, wondering why he would do this when it's not that cold in here anymore, but when I looked at him I noticed he had fallen back asleep, so he probably didn't even realize what he was doing. I went to move away but his grip tightened as he clung onto me like a koala. I sighed in defeat and just stayed there and quickly fell back asleep.

I shot up in bed with a yelp as I felt an ice cold chill on my body. I looked down, saw a pile of snow on me and quickly brushed it off. I looked up at Alex and glared at him. He was now fully dressed and laughing his ass off.

"You fucking jerk!" I yelled at him and jumped off the bed to attack him. I pounced at him in my anger and he just laughed and ran out the door, dodging me.

"I had to wake you up somehow." He said through his laughter. I left the rooms and went into the living room where Alex was. He kept running and made it to the door. I picked up the closest thing to me which was a book on the book shelf and threw it at him. It hit him in his side and he quickly clutched his stomach and doubled over, gasping out loud in pain. I felt regret instantly. I didn't mean to hurt him.

"Are you okay?" I asked and jogged over to him. He was still holding his stomach and looking like he was in agony, but the second I got to him he looked up, smiled evilly, grabbed hold of me, opened the door and tackled me onto the freezing cold snow.

"You're so gullible." He said and picked up some snow and dropped it onto my stomach.

"Fuck you, that's fucking freezing." I said angrily and pushed him off of me. He just fell onto the snow, still laughing. I scrambled up from the ground and ran back into the slightly warmer house.

"Don't be such a baby. Get dressed, you're going to help me get firewood." He said.

"Like hell I am. I'm not helping you." I said defiantly. He just smirked and got up from the ground, walking back over to me.

"Now, now, Jacky. Don't forget that I own you today. You have to do exactly what I say, now go and get dressed and meet me out here pronto." He said. I gritted my teeth. I wanted to tell him no, but on the other hand I hated people who backed out of bets just because they lost, so I turned on my heel and stormed away from him, back into our room.

"I fucking hate him." I muttered under my breath as I searched through my clothes for some clean ones. I got dressed quickly, warming myself up and then left the room. I tried turning the lights on again, but the power was still out. I walked out the front door, closing it behind me and saw Alex standing there, swinging around an axe. He stopped when he saw me.

"Okay, so how do you usually do this?" He asked.

"Usually my parents would buy some when they're in town, but I guess we'll have to find some in the woods." I said.

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