Five Cups

886 54 18

This chapter also doesn't consist of any Jeongchan. But I hope you can enjoy it.


"So, he is the famous younger brother that you would never stop talking about."

"Yes, and he is the only one."

"How is he so different from you?"

"What are you talking about?" Minho glared at Hyunjin.

"Did you see him?"

"I see him every day and every night, so what is your point?"

Hyunjin rolled his eyes; he never cared for Minho's smartass comments.

"He is an adorable fluff ball that is made up of sweetness and purity," Hyunjin exclaimed, almost forgetting that it was Minho's younger brother he was talking about.

"He is completely opposite to you. You are too serious, aggressive, and scary," Hyunjin changes his tone to a disgusted tone while making complete circles around Minho, making his point.

"Did you forget I am your boss?"

"I'm just stating the truth," Hyunjin raised his hands into a surrender stance.

"But yeah, I hear it all the time. I'm happy he is not like me."

"Me too, he is exactly my type," Hyunjin happily said, this time really forgetting that Jeongin was Minho younger brother which led to a smack behind his head.

"Back off from my younger brother." Minho glared at Hyunjin, longer and more intensely than the last.

"I'm just joking, stop being an overprotective brother," Hyunjin said while rubbing the stinging pain behind his head that Minho left.

"I bet you are not, you were eye-fucking him the whole time."

"Oh," Hyunjin stopped which made Minho also stop.

"You saw," Hyunjin dashed down the empty street swinging his umbrella to his side while laughing, forgetting about the rain that had calmed down since earlier. The rain was not the problem right now. He knew he was about to be dead if Minho caught him.

"You little shit!" Minho yelled down the street while chasing Hyunjin down, forgetting about the cakes in the bag.

Minho chased Hyunjin down until they were in front of Minho and Jeongin's shared apartment complex where Hyunjin braced for what was coming next.

Minho gave his hardest smack onto the back of Hyunjin's neck. Hyunjin deserved that for eye-fucking his innocent brother. Hyunjin held the back of his neck while following behind Minho who had entered the complex.

They reached the ninth floor where Minho's home was located at. Minho placed the cakes into the fridge while Hyunjin plopped onto the couch, looking at the pictures hanging on the walls, realizing that Jeongin was a cutie since birth.

"Are you going to stay over tonight?"

Before Hyunjin could reply, Minho opened his mouth again.


Hyunjin jumped right up almost stepping on one of the cats.

"Yes, I'm staying over, if that is okay," Hyunjin said, trying to recover from that "heart attack".

Minho disappeared to somewhere to bring a towel to Hyunjin.

"Go take a shower then," Minho pointed at the bathroom and handing some pajamas from his closet.

"Jeongin is almost coming home; we don't need a line for the bathroom," Minho said, looking at the text Jeongin sent.

Hyunjin cautiously walked to the bathroom, trying to not stop on the cat.

"Oh yeah, I need to smell good and look good for him," Hyunjin smirked and closed the bathroom door before Minho could do anything to him.


Guys, I don't know why I'm updating so much.
I kinda what to see how this story will end lol.

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