Two Cups

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Back with another chapter though it is really short, I apologize!
I am: not sure what the update schedule is right now.
Please enjoy!


Jeongin saw that Chan was shivering probably because of his wet clothes and the ac blowing on him. Jeongin went to the locker room and roamed through the small collection of clothes he had and found an oversized grey hoodie. He took a sniff to make sure it was clean. He walked back outside and made small steps towards the blonde boy.

He tapped on his shoulder again. Chan turned around looking frustrated.

"Here, you are shivering; I think you should go change. You probably will get sick. This is the only thing I could find that would fit you." Jeongin whispered, looking at his feet.

Though Jeongin spoke in a low volume voice, Chan caught everything he said. Jeongin looked up at Chan because he wasn't getting a reply. He made eye contact with Chan which Jeongin blushed at, placing a pink tint on his cheeks. Chan was admiring Jeongin's features which made his face softened and forgetting about his frustration.

"I'm sorry, the only thing I have was this and a pink sweater," Jeongin said, regretting his decision to bring him a hoodie. Chan was perplexed on why the boy in front of him was apologizing until he realized that he hasn't replied and was wearing an unfriendly face which could be interpreted to angry or annoyed.

"You don't need to; I'll be fine. I don't want to be a bother, but thank you though," Chan tried to say but was cut off right at bother by his sneeze.

Jeongin let a small laugh slip out and pushed the hoodie in front of Chan's hands.

"You need to change now," Jeongin tried to sound intimidating which turned out to sound cute and lovely which surprisingly worked. Chan grabbed the hoodie, and Jeongin pointed to where the bathroom was. Chan came out wearing the hoodie which fit perfectly on him since Chan was more muscular than Jeongin, so the oversized became a regular-sized.

Jeongin stared at Chan from the bathroom until he reached back to the table, not allowing any actions to leave his sight.

"Thank you, Jeongin," Chan smiled, showing off his dimples which made the younger's knees weak.


I'm still not satisfied with my writing.
I'll try to write better.
Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed this short chapter.

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