☁️Izuku Midoriya x Reader: You idiot

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Btw I'm gonna start writing in 1st person cause I just like it better and it's easier to explain things.


"Hey Izuku!" I  said to the green haired boy surprising his as I walked over to him after class.

"Oh, hi L/N," he said packing up his books into his bag.

"Ughhh, no need to be so formal," I  exasperated, "just call me F/N."

"Oh-okay F/N," Izuku said with his usual cheery tone.

"So anyway," I said, "wanna meet up a little later and train together. I thought it would be fun to work on our signature moves together."

"Of course!" Midoriya said excitedly.

"Okay great," I beamed, "wanna meet up at one of UA's training gyms at 5?"

"Sure, I'll see you then Y/N!" We both walked our separate ways as I was already planning in my head how to make him fall for me. I mean it couldn't be too hard he blushes at literally everything.

I got back to my dorm and glanced at the clock, 4. Perfect, I ran to my closet and grabbed the usual out of school training attire; a tank top, Nike pros, a sports bra, and tennis shoes. I pulled my hair back into two French braids to keep it out of the way. 4:30, I had about 10 minutes to kill before I should head out so I decided to head to the common area to relax.

Before I reached the common area I heard the sound of Kirishima and Izuku talking.

"She asked me to train with her today."

"Isn't that a good thing don't you want to spend time with her?"

"Yeah of course," Midoriya explained, "but she just makes me so nervous." I stopped walking before I could reveal myself in the hallway and listened.

"Honestly there's not much you can do about it. You just have to be manly and tell her."

"Yeah I know... But what if she rejects me?"

"I can't say anything for her dude," Kirishima began, "but if I was her I would totally go for a manly guy like you!"

"Thanks Kirishima! Oh shoot it's already 4:40 I gotta get going. See ya later!"

I couldn't help but smirk to myself this was gonna be easier than I thought. "Okay you can come out now Y/N," the familiar red head said, "he's gone."

"Haha sorry about eavesdropping Kiri!" With that I jogged down the stairs and to the gym.


"Heyy Izuku," I called out to the boy catching his attention.

"Oh hey Y/N," the boy cheered out to you, "this gym is open." He motioned to an open gym. The gym wasn't like a normal exercise gym it had a cement floor similar to the one in the sports festival. The room was rather plain and made completely of cement probably to protect against damaging quirks.

We both walked in and began to stretch and warm up. "How about just a regular all out fight, we'll go till one opponent pins the other. There will be no time limit. Sound good?"

"Yeah!" Izuku said happily.

"Okay ready we'll start when that clock hits exactly 5:10." I  specified glancing at the clock as the seconds ticked by from 5:09, we both stood on opposite sides of the gym concentrated.


I immediately pulled water out of the atmosphere and propelled myself upwards, my best chance of this battle was winning without letting him get a single hit on me. Of course my goal was to flirt with him but I also like to win.  I quickly created a surface to stand on and focused on accumulating more water.

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