Chapter 1

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This life has been pretty much wretched since that midnight when I was driving along the dreary roads of California and nearly killed my best friend. And I blame myself for it not just because I have to, but also because it was what everybody else suggests me to do. Life has been tough with me, really. My whole existence could be summed up starting with me curled up inside a woman's womb and when life decided to get me out, I cried only for a little without knowing that I should have had cried a lot harder because I will soon be thrown into an abyss of luxury concealing darkness and of beauty concealing surliness.

As much as I can comprehend, it was a really regular night, almost like every night of this existence, and it became tedious. After a series of argy-bargies with myself, I figured out that I was merely searching for thrill, for the unknown. I always have. Is that common for adolescents? Maybe. I could and should have searched for that myself but Sabrina probably knew me more than I do. She went with me out of pity, I guess. But that does not matter. What mattered was how indifferent I was that night. Being a 16 year old, in a trance, driving a car with someone riding shotgun around Palo Alto in the middle of the night will always be illogical.

I was driving fast. I knew that there would be other cars on the road that hour but I cared less. Rie was sober and had constantly reminded me to calm down. When she realized that what she was saying would be of no use, she ceased, looked out the window, and observed the trees and the beach not far from us. I was looking at her, wondered how she was able to be patient with me this whole time. She might have noticed me and turned around. "Pax, eyes on the road," she said, gesturing towards the road before us. I tried to compose myself.

It was a smooth ride for the next few minutes until my thoughts started to get the best of me. I was overwhelmed by everything that was happening and my eyes started to tear up. I was wailing and started pounding at the steering wheel so hard that Rie had to hug me and grasp my hands. She was screaming and tried to take control of the wheel but I could no longer understand her. Then there was a loud banging that echoed all over the place. That was when I vaguely understood what had happened. There was already pain all over my body. I could not move but I can see Rie's blood dripping from her face. I tried to reach her but I can't.

"Sabrina?" I almost could not hear and recognize my voice.

She did not move as well. I panicked and my head started stinging so bad that my sight started to blur.

"I'm here, E-Eris."

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