Chapter 4

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After handing me the box, "That was left at the mailbox by the guard's house," he says. "I got the notification so I checked it and it was addressed to you."

"Yeah, thanks." Then I close the door. My heart pounds aberrantly as I open the little box. There was a scented paper with something written on it.

"Time is everything." A cold wind suddenly embraces me and sends shivers down my spine.

I look at the clock and it's already a quarter before eight. Should I go now?
I hesitate for a moment but go out of my room anyway and proceed downstairs. Nobody's here so I immediately rush to the door before anyone sees me but as I open it, Ross THE Butler is standing outside.

"Where are you going?" He asks and eyes me suspiciously.

"Redwood," I say the first thing that came into my mind. He seems satisfied with my answer so he hands me the car keys he forgot to give me earlier.

I drive to Los Altos with only my phone and keys which I now realize is a dumb choice. It's actually my first time to be heading there and as I drive longer, it's like shifting into another world when in fact it's only a 25-minute ride from my place. Los Altos Hills is very different from Palo Alto. Although my neighborhood is not like others where the residential lots stack close together, the houses in here are just so distant from one another. No wonder why they have chosen this place to build their common house.

The drive feels dull and lifeless. Something feels so wrong, like the place itself drains my strength. I'm starting to feel a sinking feeling inside my stomach. I have passed several streets and abandoned-looking buildings. I start to drive slow since I'm unaccustomed with the place but as I am passing through, it was like anytime, someone can just block the way, grab, and then kill me. It feels like every second I continue to drive in this melancholic place decreases the chance for me to arrive in my destination. It is like the cold breeze itself is whispering, disturbing my inner peace.

I check my phone and it's already 8:15. I continue along a strange dimly lit wide road, surrounded by tall trees. At this point, the road is getting wider and wider, an opening on a much bigger place. And I am right.

Here towering before me is an enormous gate of iron bars with baroque designs. Needless to say, it is an impressive piece of work. It slowly opens in silence as I go near. I am amused as beauty revealed itself. It is a broad stone path that slowly, inch by inch, branched into three ways. The first stone path, which is surrounded by illuminating lamp posts, is at my left side. It leads into a hedge maze. On my right side is another stone path surrounded by lamp posts, too. But, it leads into a garden of flowers and plants that belonged to travel brochures. And the middle is obviously the largest one. At the center of the driveway is a fountain. A dragon was perched on top, with its head towards the sky. Water spurted out from its mouth, which lay gently on the crystal blue fountain beneath it, causing ripples to form and wave out until gone.

I continue along the driveway, putting my astonishment aside. I got out of the car and start to make my way towards the front door, which was huge it can accomodate a family of giraffes. I had confidence back then, but the moment I touch the door, it's like all of the remaining got drained. There's the sinking feeling again.

Suddenly, I found it hard to breathe. I started to feel my heartbeat racing. My palms began to shake. Cold sweat automatically ran down my face.

I take a step backward and try to ease with my breathing. I have to calm down. So I pace back and forth before taking a small step forward. And another one. With closed eyes, I slowly push the double door and it opens with a faint sound. I take a deep breath before going inside. Damn, I can't even manage to take a step properly. My legs are shaking. I slowly open my eyes, right before left.

"Idiots!" I hissed. "I can barely see anything!"

It's very dim, I can't even clearly see my own hands. I reach for my pocket and realize that I have not brought my freaking phone with me. I try not to get bothered by it and as I am about to take a step, my right foot suddenly hits something on the floor and makes a faint sound. I kneel down and spread my arms. There. I stand up as soon I get a good hold unto it. It's another black velvety box. Moonlights are now penetrating the windows just enough for me to read the note.

"You will always feel fear, but do it anyway.
P.S. Follow the yellow path."

I laugh at the thought that Prior's org is fond of phrases that they even use it in giving instructions.

The yellow path reveals itself and I follow it. How did they do that?

I decide to estimate the steps I take. More than 50 steps forward and 40 to the right. This is one big mansion, I must say. I continue for more than 15 steps to the left. The path ends and it lead me into a door where another box was left.

"Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience.
P.S. Go inside. A gun is left on the table. It contains only one bullet. Shoot the two-way mirror and you'll find the next box."

With trembling hands, I hold the door knob. I begin sweating again as I look around. It is a room full of mirrors with a table at the center. I start walking towards it where a gun lies. It has been a long time since I last held a gun and that was with someone older than me, Euan. Am I really doing this?

Shoot the damn two-way mirror. Okay.

But how am I gonna shoot the mirror if I can't locate where the heck it is?

A sound suddenly fills the room as a screen appears from the ceiling. My heartbeat starts to speed up again. Sweat is now all over my face so I try to wipe it with my cold and quavering hands. I pace back and forth again. Fear is taking over me.

I only have five minutes. Five freakin' minutes to find the two-way mirror and get out of here. And as if all this was not a surprise, smoke starts to spread all over the room. I plan to block where it comes from but I realize it came from every part of the room.

I sit down in frustration as I inhale the smoke slowly filling up the room and begin to feel a lump on my throat. I can not distinguish my tears from my sweat as I touch my cheeks.

I only have three minutes now and the smoke continued, irritating my eyes. I do not know if it's just me or the smoke really is becoming thin. I rub my eyes to look at the mirrors and try to tell their differences.


I remember it!

My brother once mentioned something about two-way mirrors while he was mentoring me. I stand up and proceed into the nearest mirror, regardless of my blurry vision and failing body due to the smoke inhalation.

I place my finger against the surface.
"A regular mirror has a gap between your reflection and finger..." I heard Euan as I walk towards the next mirror and do the same. "Which means if it is a two-way mirror, it has no gap."

I continue to observe until I reach the fifth mirror.

No gap.

I tap the surface with my knuckle and listened carefully. It produces an open, hollow, reverberating sound.

"An open space on the other side."

I take the gun from the table without doubt keeping in mind that I have a minute and a single bullet. I examine the mirror again to make sure that my mind was not playing games with me.
I cock the gun and aim at the mirror with my right hand. 30 seconds.
With the left hand covering my shut eyes, I pull the trigger. I hear a breaking noise and slowly open my eyes. I go near to the broken mirror and realize that my body can't pass through it. So I kick the remaining parts of the broken mirror and see a black box.

"The path will lead you. Complete what was told and you will be with the finest org." They did not put a quote this time, does that mean a thing?

I let out a big sigh.

The yellow path starts to appear again, leading me to somewhere.

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