Lindsey's Story

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  Lindsey has locked himself into the makeshift studio he has managed to put together in the new house. There is no reason to have a new studio built. Lindsey knows Kristen will probably be selling this home very soon as well as the rest of the real estate holdings they have. The writing is on the proverbial wall he thinks, she is building up the cash for an eventual divorce.

  As Lindsey puts on his headphones and listens to a track he was working on before his heart episode, he remembers the time before Music Cares when it seemed as though  divorce papers could be served at any minute. Kristen and himself hadn't shared a bed in several years, he slept on the couch in his studio most nights. The rest of his time was shared in bliss with his true love.

  Truthfully he couldn't wait for the divorce to happen. One unfortunate night just before Christmas he told his lover his desire for them to move in together and spend the rest of their days making music together like they always should have. That's when everything started to go south. First off where the excuses on what the public, her family, friends and her fans might think. Then she moved on to not really wanting to share her limited space in her condo.

  The last straw was a blowout fight the night before Music Cares. She finally told him that she liked her life the way it is and didn't want to deal with the scandal of his divorce and their reconciliation. They argued for seemed like hours saying things they shouldn't to each other before she finally threw him out.

  Upset at her attitude and dejected at the same time he went home and snuck into his studio once again. He broke into his secret stash of pot hidden in one of his guitar cases and lit up a joint hoping weed would even out his mood like it always has.

  As he puffed on the joint he realized that this may really be the end for them. He never wanted to leave her but she has been pushing him away then reeling him back for over forty years. One thing he knows for sure is that he is getting old and tired.

  At Music Cares the trouble started early. Karen helped sabotage things by changing the bands intro music from The Chain to Rhiannon. Looking back he knows that Karen did it just to infuriate him and start a fight with Stevie. After letting everyone know within shouting distance what he thought about that Stevie was cold the rest of the evening. Even when she held his hand her normally warm soft skin felt cold as ice.

  He brooded silent the whole way home thankful for the chilly silence from his wife and the kids immersed in their cell phones with ear buds to keep them into their own worlds.

  After a few days of working on set lists for the new tour and planning some solo dates around the Fleetwood Mac bookings he received a call from Ivan Azoff while he was picking up a coffee from Starbucks. He started in telling Ivan that he thought they needed a band meeting to sort out any conflicts before rehearsals.

  He could never dream how the phone call turned out. Stevie refusing to ever take the stage with him again. He was out of Fleetwood Mac. Long after hanging up he still couldn't believe what he heard. After letting the news soak in a bit he tried calling her over and over for a week. He tried getting ahold of all of them but no one would answer his calls or texts. He even tried emailing them only to get one short reply back from John stating he wasn't allowed to talk to him. That's it, nothing from the people he has spent so many years with. The worst part is being totally separated from her. The cord that has tied together their souls for so many years feels like it's been cut in half. He has felt lost.

  Suddenly with the prospect of losing out on millions of dollars of tour money, Kristen spoke out in public about how horribly her husband has been treated by the band. Playing the dutiful wife defending her man was just outright hilarious to Lindsey. He let her do her thing while he planned out his solo tour.

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