I've Built My Life Around You

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Stevie digs her feet into the sand, steeling herself for what could be a difficult moment while staring at Lindsey. She sees him looking up at her with sad eyes the grey pushing most of the blue away. She knows instantly he's been very sad a long time. Since Music Cares. He has been without her. A part of her has known this all along. She also realizes she has been just as depressed as he. She has been without him as well. She looks into his stormy eyes and wishes the blue remained.

Stevie takes a tentative step forward and then sits right down beside him on his blanket. She says to him

"I didn't think you would be well enough to be out here alone."

"Does your family know your gone?"

Lindsey notices the apprehension in Stevie face. He feels it. It's been so long since he's seen those big brown eyes, so long since he has got to smell her essence, touch the soft skin of her hand or hear her beautiful raspy voice tell him that she loves him. Maybe, just maybe she is feeling the same way. Or maybe this is just a figment of his imagination, a dream or a wish. He doesn't care he is ready to now live in this moment in time.

  The problem is that he can't say any of those things to her. He can't scream and yell at her for ending their relationship, getting him fired from the band or lying about why he was let go. He also can't tell her that none of those things matter, the only thing he cares about is if she still loves him.

  He shakes his head and gives her the thumbs up hoping she understands that he doesn't need to tell anyone where he is and that he is fine. He notices a puzzled look in her face then its quickly replaced by a nodding of her head realizing what he means.

  Stevie has a moment when she can't understand why he's gesturing to her but then it hits her. She forgot he still can't speak. Stevie feels her heart break. She sees him offer her his hand. She takes it without any hesitation and says

  "I'm so sorry Lindsey, I feel like everything that has happened to you is my fault!

  She feels him scoot over closer to him. He raises his hand and gently brushes her hair back behind her ear. He then points to himself. She can feel exactly what he's trying to say, it's all his fault. She shakes her head while feeling tears starting to spill out of her beautiful brown orbs. She takes the hand he had pointing at himself and puts it between her own. She says to him

  "I hurt you pushing you away then made sure you couldn't be around me anymore to argue with me!"

  "I know our separation did this, it hurt me as well."

  "I'm so sorry Linds, you will never know how badly I wanted to reach out to you."

  Lindsey notices Stevie is shivering obviously chilled from the night ocean breeze. He scoots himself closer to her and wraps an arm around her to warm her. He feels Stevie snuggle into his side creating a warm feeling for both inside and out. A very familiar feeling. He enjoys sitting there with her in his arms for a time before she speaks again

  "How did you know I'd be here tonight?"

  Lindsey responds to her in a way he knows she will understand. He takes her hand and puts it on his heart. Then he puts his on hers. He then let's go and draws an imaginary line from her heart to his. He can feel her reply even before she says it

  "Our hearts, they are connected."

  "Our minds, bodies and souls are two halves of a whole."

  Lindsey nods, she gets it. She always has whether she wants to admit it or not.  The truth is he muses is that love and hate aren't neccesarily opposite ends of the spectrum. He and Stevie have always loved each other but on occasion hated one another at the same time. He is brought out of his thoughts by Stevie's voice asking him

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