Oscar Diaz X Reader

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Your pov:
The music was blasting loudly while I was cleaning wiping down the stuff the twins touched with their sticky fingers. Ruby was taking them to school and then going to school himself. My parents went to work and Abuelita was making dresses for quinces. I sighed putting the cleaning supplies away and went to sit on the couch. I checked the time and saw that I had an hour before I had to be at school.

As I'm walking down the street towards the college I hummed along to the tune in my head. I stopped humming once the smell of alcohol and weed hit my nose, I sigh knowing it's the santo house. I look up and see I'm 3 houses away from them. I brace myself, cause they like to bother me for some reason. As I got closer to the house, they started whistling.

"Look fool, esta hyna, estas hermosa (this hyna, you're beautiful) one yelled blowing kisses at me. I rolled my eyes getting annoyed. "Shut up dude that's spooky's lady, he's gonna kick your ass." Another guy said smacking his arm. I yelled back, " I'm not his girl"then kept walking. "Hola mi reina"(hello my queen) I heard him say as he was walking behind me, as much as I tried not to blush it happened anyway no matter what he does he always seems to have an affect on me.

I turned around and looked at him. "Que quieres Oscar" (What do you want Oscar) I smile slightly as I look up at him. He responds back with " I want you but I can't seem to get you". I laugh and reply, " thanks for wasting my time. I have to get to class or else I'll be late." Oscar grabs my arm lightly turning me around and said "Let me take you" then he put his arm around my waist. I blushed then looked at the time and saw that if I walked I would be late. "Fine, pero no te hagas ideas" (but you better not get ideas) I said walking with him to his cherry red impala.

We arrived at the college I said "Gracias (thank you) Oscar" "Anything for you mi reina(my queen) I giggle at that. "I have to get to class now." I reach for the door handle but he said "wait wait" and went to open the door for m to get out. "Thank you papi"I said kissing his cheek knowing it will drive him crazy. He smirked at me and turned a little red. I started to walk away when he slapped my ass, I gasped and turned around he just laughed and leaned against his car. I nodded at him and made my way to class.

Walking out of my last class for the day I was relieved. It was 2 o'clock so I made my way home to make dinner for the twins and ruby for when they get home. I walked to the front and saw Oscar leaning against his car. "How was school mi reina"(my queen) he asked. I reply back with "good I guess" I smile he grabs me by my waist pulling me closer to him I looked into his eyes and blushed causing my stomach to get butterflies.

"Where do you want to go now" he asked "Home I have to cook for my brothers" I say back shrugging. "I'll help you" he said I looked at him shocked. "Spooky Diaz can cook?" I tease him he just chuckles. We get in the car and drive off.

"I thought you were joking about being able to cook" I say as I put ingredients into the pot. "I would never lie to you" he responds back. "Y/n?" He says in a more serious tone. "Oscar" I respond in the same tone. He walked up to me and picked me up setting me on the counter. He got in between my legs, keeping his hands on my hips as I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Let me be with you" he says looking straight into my eyes. My heart skips a beat. I take a breath not able to form words. I dreamed of this moment since 9th grade when I began liking him. "I know I'm not the best choice but I-" he started. I cut him off by caressing his cheek, "Don't say that" he started to lean in soon connecting our lips together. The kiss was full of passion and a little rough I loved it.

"Please don't tell me that's my sister with your brother" I heard my brother say as I laugh and pull away from Oscar as he groans. "That was a definite make out session" Cesar responds. I look at them all red "Hey guys" I say simply as Monse looked at me and winked as I laugh a little. Oscar glared at them giving them the 'I want to kill you' look. "W-w-we where j-just leaving" ruby said dragging them out of the house.

"I'm gonna kill Cesar" Oscar said " they are just teenagers leave it alone" I say giving him a peck on the lips he smirks at me. "Si mi reina(yes my queen) anything for you" he said smiling I kissed him again.

"Yes" I say He looks at me confused. "What?" He says "Yes I'll go out with you" I say smiling He picks me up and wraps my legs around his waist and kisses me.

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