:Chapter 9:

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Bryan's POV

~|3 weeks later|~

"Bros, I'm going do it! I'm gonna do it! I think it's time." I said as Luke, Chris and Ryan stared at me in confusion. We were all playing God of War 2 on the Xbox at Luke's house. "What?" Luke asked. "I'm going to ask Alexa out on a date." I said before silence tensed the room.

The guys looked at me and then at each other before they began laughing.

"What?" I asked them before they laughed harder and I frowned at them. They stopped and stared at me with seriousness. "Wait, you're actually want to ask her out?" Chris asked before I nodded. Alexa and I have gone out as friends to movies, ever since her birthday. I felt like a total jerk for kissing her, but I got her home safely.

When she still spoke to me at school, I was really happy. At least she didn't file a restraining order against me. Yet. "Dude, you only know her for about 3 weeks, and you already want to fuck her?" Luke asked before I frowned. "No, I'm not Ryan." I said with smirk before he growled at me. "You're never gonna leave that topic alone, huh?" Ryan asked before the other guys looked at me in confusion.

"Ryan had sex with Tammy, Alexa's best friend, at her birthday party and at our place." I said before Ryan frowned. "Wait, you lost your virginity?" Chris asked and that got us all to stop playing, and stare at Ryan. "Yeah, and if you tell anyone that I lost it to Tammy, I'll skin you all alive!" he said before we looked at each other. "So, how was it?" Luke asked before Ryan gave him a side glance.

He didn't say anything, before his phone beeped. A small smile formed before he grabbed his phone and read the message to himself. "Who is it?" "Bro, we asked you a question." Chris and Luke spoke at the exact same time. "My guess, it's Tammy." I said before his eyes widened. "Oh, it is!" Chris cheered before Ryan rolled his eyes.

He placed his phone down after he texted and went on playing. "What did she say?" Luke asked before Ryan frowned harder and gave him a side glance. "She wants to hang out," he said lowly before we all cheered. "AYYY!!!" we shouted before Ryan rolled his eyes again. "So, I'm guessing the sex was so good, you got yourself a long term girlfriend?" Luke asked before Ryan froze.

Literally, he froze.

Luke waved his hand in front of Ryan's face before Chris chuckled. "He's thinking." he said before Ryan unfroze and stared at us. "Guys, Tam's not like any other girl that I've met. She's funny, sweet, an amazing sketcher and loves horrors." he said before we all laughed at him. He chuckled with us before I nodded at him.

"Well, you're never gonna find another like her, so don't fuck it up on the way. You got to gain her trust and keep her happy." Chris said before Ryan nodded and set his controller down. "I'm done, thanks for letting me win." he said before we stared at the TV and saw all of our avatars were dead.

"Fuck you, Ryan!" we yelled at him before he responded, "Nope, I'm only reserved for Tammy's needs. Go find yourself a sex dummy!" he yelled from the kitchen.

• • •

"Hey Alexa," I said as she looked up from her book. "Hi Bryan," she said in a soft tone. "What are you reading?" I asked her before she lifted up then book to show me the cover. 'Wildfire' it read. I nodded before I sat down next to her. She was in her room and Tammy let me and Ryan in. They were currently downstairs, cooking dinner for tonight.

"So, why are you here?" Alexa asked before she set her book down. "I was just coming to check up on you." I asked with a shrug. She raised an eyebrow before she turned fully towards me. "Is that all?" she asked before I nodded and stared at her. "Come on, let's play something on my Xbox." she said before she switched on her TV and began start the Xbox.

After choosing Need for Speed: Underground, I gapped at the way Alexa played the game as if it she was really in the game. "Yay! I won!" she said and I chuckled. Just then, Tammy popped her head in the room and smiled. "Dinner's ready." she said before she walked away again. We looked at each other and got up quickly, after pausing the game, and going downstairs.

Ryan was at the oven and Tammy was placing the plates down on the table. "What did you two make?" I asked before Tammy looked at Ryan, who took out a pantry. "Mac and Cheese. Tammy said, that's Alexa's favorite." he said before he placed the glorious steaming dish on the table. Tammy smiled at the dish with Alexa as Ryan dished it into the plates.

"Bon appétit, or we say in Spanish, disfrute de su comida." Ryan said before Tammy stared at him in shock. "You're Spanish speaking?" she asked. "¿No hablaba inglés?" he asked before she glared at him. "No need to be rude, I can understand you perfectly." she snapped at him before he raised an eyebrow and nodded.

"¿Quieres tener sexo después?" Ryan asked, casually before Tammy looked at him and made a thinking face. "Claro, pero no soy tu perra." Tammy said before he growled lowly. I kinda wish I didn't know what they were saying right now. "Um, okay." Alexa said before Ryan handed us our food. Tammy and Ryan were grinning at each other as they ate.

"Wow, this tastes amazing!" Alexa said before Ryan smiled a bit at her. "Thanks, I've leant from the best." Ryan said before I smiled. Mom always made the best Mac and Cheese. Once we were all done, Tammy collected all the plates and placed them into the sink. "Tammy, where do you live?" Ryan asked before Tammy looked up at him.

"Right next door." she said. "Oh cool, less work for my legs." Ryan said before Tammy snickered and shook her head. Just then the door opened, and a brown haired woman with blue eyes walked in. "Baby, I'm home--!" she said before she looked at all of us. "Hi Mom," Alexa said. Tammy smiled, before greeting.

"Hi Mama," she said before Alexa's Mom smiled at her. "Hi Tams," she said before she smiled brightly at her. "Oh, T, I think there's a surprise for you at home." she said before Tammy raised an eyebrow. "A surprise?" she said before she stood up with Ryan who grabbed her hand. "I think I should go with you," he said before Alexa's mom shifted her eyes towards us.

"Um, whom are you two?" she asked before Ryan froze. "Hi Mrs. Cara, I'm Bryan Hunter, that's my twin brother, Ryan Hunter. We made Mac and Cheese, if you were planning on making dinner tonight." I said before she smiled at me. "Oh no, I wasn't planning anything." she said before she looked over at Ryan who was smiling at Tammy, as she was putting on her jacket.

"It's nice to meet you, Bryan and Ryan. Oh, and please call me Katherine, it's been years since people have called me, Mrs. Cara." she said before we nodded. 

Tammy looked over to Alexa and smiled. "I'm off, I'll be back in, maybe 10 minutes, tops." she said before Alexa nodded. With that, Ryan and Tammy left out the door. "He's not much of a talker, huh?" Katherine said, before I shook my head. "No, he's always been the quiet one." I said before Katherine smiled and left the kitchen. "Nice way to play my mom." Alexa said with a smirk.

"I think, she's planning our wedding already," I said before Alexa frowned and glared at me. "Maybe even her grandkids' names." I said, earning a stone hard glared from Alexa. "As if," she said, with rosy pink cheeks.

• • •

Ta-da! Another chapter is born! Okay, on to the next one! But, what is this mystery surprise that Tammy got? Any guesses?

Leave some in the comments...

Until next time my exciting marshmallows!

- Zakes👻🎊🎉

1397 words

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