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"Please Cassie!" Begged Willow causing me to make a mistake in my notes. I gave her a look, she smiled sheepish while, Chloe walked over and slammed my book shut making me jump and look at both now.

"C'mon on Cas, it is one concert, we'll stop bothering you after this promise," said Chloe which made me sigh. "I don't even know them!" I said pushing up my glasses slight and they shared a looking as if they knew I was cracking.
Which I was but they didn't have to know that.

"We can tell you the basics as we get ready and head to the  stadium," said Willow clapping her hands together. I nodded finally relenting which made them smile and Willow headed over to my closet. Pulling out combat boots, black shorts and a short-sleeved denim jacket. While Chloe tossed me a shirt. It had a picture of BTS of the front and on the back BANGTAN BOYS.

I gave their outfits a look over it looked identical to mine but the shirts had their 'bias' on it. I got up grabbed the clothes and headed to my bathroom to get dressed. I quickly combed my hair tying it into a high bun before grabbing my phone and following the two to the car.

As soon as Chloe began driving, Willow shouted, "BTS here we come!" Which made me chuckle slightly.

"How'd you two afford front row tickets?" I asked my friends over the sound of noisy….ARMYs I think. "Dad," said Willow as Chloe said, "Aunt." I nodded and turned my attention to the stage. Fans began screaming louder as seven figures began rising from the platform on the stage. Willow squealed shaking my arm while Chloe kept an arm around my shoulder.

I frowned and squinted slightly barely able to see because of the dimness of the lights. As soon as the lights shone on them my jaw hit the floor.

They are drop dead hot.
Are they human?
Don't mention this to my friends.
They'll do the 'I told you so' dance..it is embarrassing.
For everyone.

They began singing and goofing around on stage immediately which is cool. After two  songs the leader Namjoon I think thanked us for coming and the others began talking a little before continuing to sing.

I was actually enjoying myself, cheering and singing along when needed. Willow but her shoulder with mine which caused me to smile at her and do it with Chloe who rolled her eyes in return. My eyes returned to the stage to lock eyes with a member. Which happened to be….Yoongi.

He smirked slightly at me while…biting his lip in a sexual way causing me to blush slightly. It lasted for 10-12 seconds before he broke it to walk around. Chloe whispered in my ear, "I saw that Cas, I think he likes you," she chuckled which caused me to shake my head at her.

The second last song they preformed I think is No more Dream (we listened to it in the care Willow made me remember) I watched the closely near the end of the song. Wondering way everyone was going on like they were going to die.

Willow turned my head my me keep my eyes on…Jimin who stood in front of the group smirking. As he turned he lifted his shirts causing everyone to scream loudly and my jaw to drop. When it did it the second time our eyes locked, he sent me a wink before looking away.

When the concert finished and we headed to the car I was still dazed. "What….just happened?" I asked the two as we climbed in and Chloe began pulling out of the parking lot and headed home. "Well, my dear you somehow got the attention of Park Freaking Jimin and Min Freaking Yoongi. You have been blessed, now home and movies?" "Study for me," I said pushing up my glasses as I stared out of the window.

"Cas-," "you two promised and remember we have dance classes after school tomorrow do not be late," with that I climbed out and headed inside. A part of me wanting to know why two members of BTS a famous kpop group (Willow) would find an interest in me? No matter not like I was going to see them again.

Heyia! Hope everyone enjoyed the first chap!
More to come!
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I wonder what'll happen in the next chap?
Let us find out shall we?

Love ya all!


Btw here is Cas's dance outfit for next chap! <3

Btw here is Cas's dance outfit for next chap! <3

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