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I was stunned to say the least, after they announced that I was chosen. Jess threw a tantrum (yes a tantrum) which embarrassed our instructor. It also  caused her to get two week suspension from dance class. It was funny, the rest congratulated me while Chloe and Willow would not stop smiling.

Even after they left.

Anyway, I have to pack and be ready to leave by tomorrow at 8:00 pm. Which I am totally cool with, so I could do research on them tonight and tomorrow dance.

Right now it is 9:00 pm which means I can research for another hour before going to bed.

I woke up at ten, which is not odd for me, I got up, got dressed in shorts, socks, a white shirt (I have shoes in my bag) and headed to the studio.

Chloe and Willow were probably still sleeping so I decided to go on my own.

I decided to practice my dance with the song danger it would be fun and fast. Which is my role obviously.

After about four hours of straight practice I decided to take a break. I let the music play lightly in the background, while drinking water and checking my phone.

Willow and Chloe spammed my phone with about 20-30 texts because they wanted to know where I was so that we could talk about what happened yesterday.

I sighed and put my phone away, not in the mood to be questioned about it. It is difficult enough leaving for BigHit but o do not need my Two friends hounding me because they're obsessed or question me.

I want to be happy, dancing being with Bangtan (yes I've grown attached)  and helping others is all I want.

Can't I have that?

I was so lost in my thoughts that I did not notice the door open and particular seven boys walk inside. "Cas?" A voice asked making me jump and look up.

I looked to my left to see all seven of them staring at me and smiling. I forced a smile and got up, I bowed slightly and greeted them which they returned.

"How long have you been dancing?" Asked Hoseok stepping out of the group. "You mean now or over all?" I asked as I began moving again.


"Well, right now about four hours, and over all about….I think o started dancing when I was twelve so about 7 to 8 years," I said making their jaws drop. "But how do you go to college and dance?" Questioned Namjoon. "Oh that? I finished school at the age of fourteen and college at sixteen."


"I am to smart for my own good," I said my eyes locking on Hoseok who looked as if he really wanted to dance. "Hoseok Oppa you can join me," said making him look at me unsure. I nodded and he immediately smiled which caused me to smile.

He fell into step beside side me as a new song began. Soon Jimin joined as well, then the rest of the group. Jin actually wanted some pointers so I helped him and helped them learn a few new moves.

When the clock struck six Namjoon decided we should, get cleaned up and then order take out, I invited them to my apartment but we had to be careful.


"That was too close," Taeyhung breathed as he leaned against my door after closing and locking it as well as dodging ARMYs and paps. Almost got caught but we made it.

Everyone took a random place to sit. Taeyhung, Jin and Hoseok sat on the sofa. Namjoon sat on a chair he brought from the dining room, Yoongi sat on the love seat wanting to sleep. Jungkook and Jimin sat next to each because they moved my chairs. I decided to just watch them interact with each from the kitchen doorway.

Smiling slightly as Jin made a dad joke only Hoseok and Jungkook as well as Taeyhung laughed the others groaning.

Namjoon was telling a story to Jimin while Yoongi just fell asleep. This group...is so amazing.

I headed into the kitchen as my phone rang answering it immediately.


"Hey Cas how are you?"

My eyes widen in disbelief, as I froze my grip on my glass tightening. It could not be him, not now.

"What do you want?"

"Ouch why so cold babe?"

"What do you want? How did you get this number?"

I made sure no one would be to contact me when I left, I was careful.

"Alright babe if that is how you want to play it, your friends Willow and Chloe gave it. Easily i might add. And I -we- want you to come home."

"That was never my home and you won't be able to find me easily."

"Really? Have you gotten close to what are they called ah Bangtan?" When he said that the glass slipped from my grip, and shattered when it made contact with the floor.

I stumbled backwards against my sink shaking.

"Leave me be."

"No can do babe, you are coming home. Whether you like it or not."

With that he hung up.

I just stared at the scattered glass on the floor and the water pooling.

"…as….Cas?" A voice called making me snap back to reality. I looked up to see Jin stepping over the glass as the others went to clean it up and he placed his hands on my shoulders.

"What's the matter?"

I could not drag them into this, they're happy and I'm going to keep it like that. I forced a smile and said, "nothing just a shocking phone call, I'm going to get my bags."

"I'll help," said Yoongi as he grabbed me and we headed to my room. "What was the phone call about?"

"I can't tell you."

"Why not?'

" I want to keep you guys happy."




"Because I care!"

Hope everyone enjoyed, please vote, comment and follow!
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