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I skipped into dance class spotting Willow and Chloe at the back both looked shocked and stunned. I frownheed  as I placed my things by theirs and asked, "hey guys what is wrong?" Before they could answer our dance teacher Ms. Walker walked in, clapping her hands which made us assemble at the front of class.

"Class, we have important visitors be kind and treat them with respect understood?" Everyone called out a yes and with that she told them to come inside. As soon as they stood next to the teacher, some girls -and boys began squealing and whispering to each other. While my friends and I just stood there staring in disbelief and confusion.

"Class quiet, all of you know, Bangtan known as BTS. They are here to see which dancer is the best and either can be a instructor or a back-up dancer depending on how good you are. But they may only choose one," she said making some whine, groan or squeal with happiness. My friends and I shared a look they were happy as was I (a little bit) but nervous as well.

"So go sit at the back, I'll call you guys when it is your turn," said Ms. Walker. Everyone nodded and headed to the back of class whispering to each other. "Do you think one of is will be picked?" Asked Willow softly as we watched the seven joke with each other, wide smiles on their faces.

"It could be possible, depends on our dance and their choice," I said tying my hair into a high bun and cleaning my glasses. Chloe nodded just as Jess Summers (popular) was called to dance first.

Her foot work was sloppy, too slow and didn't dance in time with the beat. Next was Chris Hale same except he kept tripping over his feet. "Stop judging them Judge Cass," said Chloe mockingly which made me giggle and shove her playfully.

The last three to go was Willow, Chloe and lastly me.

Willow and Chloe's foot work was amazing, in the with the beat…just moved a bit slow that is all. "You guys were awesome," I said as they sat down and drank from their bottles they smiled thanks and wished me luck as I was called.

"Ma'am can you please play Blood, Sweat and Tears?" I asked making everyone behind me gasp and my friends cheer. "Are you sure Paris?" She asked skipping to the song. I nodded and got into position.

I was panting by the time I was done, while everyone just stared in shock and disbelief. I wiped off my forehead, drank water and adjusted my glasses. I bowed to them before heading to my friends who were squealing in excitement and hugged me so hard I couldn't breathe.

After a few minutes BTS and Ms. Walker returned expressionless. Except Ms. Walker looked solemn. "Class, Bangtan has made a decision and they have chosen," she stepped back and Namjoon stepped forward with a smile.

"We will be having a dance instructor who will be helping kpop groups with their new cheo and new groups as well. That person will be….."

"Cassandra Paris."

Woah! I wish that could happen to me!
It'll be amazing!
So what do you guys think please let me know!

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Love ya all



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