Can a day get any worse?

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If she could disappear or vanish in that moment,she would. Whenever Simon was in her building or at the same event as her, she wanted to trade lives with anyone.
Simon was 24 year old,self-centered person who only wanted power,money and fame. He didn't work just used his father as a bank. The worst of all was that he was trying to get in her pants for years plus he wanted to marry her only because of money and fame and power that he would get that way.
Angel just looked quickly in his direction and went straight to Izzy,who was standing next to her door.Simon on the other hand had other plans ,as he grabbed Angel's forearm and said:

"You aren't going to even say good morning to me? Just walk by? Oh my sweetheart, you just broke my heart."

She was not only annoyed but she was furious. Who was he to touch her,let alone grab her like she was some random girl:

"Oh dear Simon, first of all i'm not your sweetheart,never will be and secondly I'm too busy running a multi-million dollar business to even say good morning" 

Also just before she entered her office,she turned around,got a bit closer to him and said quietly enough so that only he can hear it:

"Don't you ever,even think about grabbing me or touching me like you did a few seconds ago.Because the next time you do it ,you will be without an arm.Do you understand that?"

"Baby girl,you wouldn't do something like that,not to your most important business partner,now would you?

Simon just smiled at  Angel(like he won the Noble prize)and followed her into her office.And as soon as the door behind them closed he pinned her to the door and tried to kiss her. First thing that crossed her mind at that moment was fear and disgust, because he never try to do something like this and because of what happened in the past.All of that was soon replaced by anger and she kicked him to one place she knew would hurt him like a bitch. Simone immediately bend over and grabbed his groin:

"Tы, сука, я убью тебя!"-he hissed trough the pain ("You bitch, I will kill you")

"Ты же знаешь, что я понимаю каждое твое слово, сука, и считай это предупреждением." ("You know I understand every word you say, "bitch", and take it as a warning.) 

She than continued:

"Now that you ruined my day and my mood;you have about 10 minutes to sit down and say why you wanted to see me."

"I just wanted to see you sweetheart and to tell you personally that my father is having a gala in 2 days and wanted me to invite you as my date,which I would love but you already know that. So will you do me an honor and be my date?"

He grinned ,and she ,on the other hand,wanted to puke just by a thought of her as his date.

"My answer is: I will be at the gala but never in a million years as your date Simon. Now if we're done here,you can leave my office."

Simon was angry but didn't want to show his defeat,didn't want to give her any more fun:

"You do know that this is not going to sit well with my father  sweetheart.You will regret you're answer and that little stunt you pulled earlier."-he said as he got up from his chair and fixed his new Gucci suit.

She was already turned her chair away from him,looking at peaceful yet gloomy London:

"Tell Vladimir(*Simon father) I said hi and that he raised such a nice "girl."

Simon was now pissed;as he left her office he slammed the door.Angel was trying to cool down and than finally started drinking her coffee and eating breakfast.

P.S That's not how Angel looks like,but the image showcased what I imagined her office and her in it to look like. 

Thank you so much for reading.


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