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^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Oliver ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Hi, I'm Oliver Lionel, I've never been a good person. In fact, I used to bully people as a kid without a reason. I had a good family, and my parents loved me and my siblings, but my siblings hated me.

I've never known why, but they did. At home, they beat me for relief of their problems, so at school, I beat others for relief of my problems. The crazy thing was, I never wanted friends, and I never needed them. I drove people away, and I drove my old 'happy' family apart.

I still have knife scars from my sisters slitting my skin while I was asleep. Once they went as far as to lightly slit my throat.

That day, I died for a total of 3 minutes. But I wasn't brought back by a hospital. It was by my mom.

Then, my mom and dad separated from each other, my mom getting me and my dad getting the 2 girls, who tortured me for 4 years.

Afterward, my mom helped me by letting me get tattoos to cover the scars of my sisters.

Later, we moved to a different town, one swarming with people. It was the town outside of New York, owned by the Chinese mafia, or gang.

I went to school with their, soon to be, new mafia leader.

His name was Jackson, or Jack for his friends. I called him Jack anyway even though he hated me. I hated him too, but he always had done something first. And only I had gotten in trouble. It was probably because the chinese mafia was a force to be reckoned with. No one had told them no. And everyone, including my mom, was too afraid to start.

That's the difference between me and my mom. She hates being in conflict, but when she gets the chance to, she will sing all her rumors like a cat.

But, I love conflict and hate it with a passion, the limelight of speeding a rumor. That's how me and Jackson are similar.

But now I'm 26 and on the run, why? You ask. Well, remember Jackson. I may have pissed him off, big time, and he's out looking for me. What did I do? Well, I slept with his sister. He always seemed to have an emotion other than hate towards me.

He also seemed overprotective of her in high school, but I never thought that he'd kill a guy who slept with her. And SHES, THE ONE THAT CAME ONTO ME! That's why I'm so pissed. But scared out of my mind because I know power when I see It. And when to be a jackass or not, heh jack ass...get it.

Anyway, that's it for now. Bye

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