Chapter 3

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I've. Been. Here. For. 3. Fucking. Hours. Already.

Fuck this hurts, "I FUCKING HATE YOU JACKSON" I yell out on the top of my lungs.

"Jesus your so dramatic" he sighed, entering the room,.

"Says the guy who tied me to the ceiling because i ran away after he kidnapped me" i scoffed looking at him with disdain on my features.

"You have 4 hours left, your a big boy you can handle it" he cooed, patting my cheek.

"No i can't" i huffed "I'm starting to get hungry and your too much of an asshole to give me food" i seethed

"Well if you didn't try to run away then you could be stuffing your face with sushi" he said, smirking.

"Eww who likes sushi" i disgustedly say my nose scrunching in disdain at the thought of sushi.

"Well everyone here eats it, so your gonna have to get used to the smell of fish" he said.

"Yeah, no that won't happen." I say flatly "I'll manage to escape here before i get used to the smell of fish" i say far too cocky than I'm used to in myself.

"You say that like it's a fact" he smirked, stalking up to me.

"Because it is" i shoot back, smirking.

"And how exactly do you know that" he hissed into my ear, his hot breath fanning my neck.

"Because your mafia work would keep you busy and It'd be too difficult for you to chase me whenever i decide to run" i said lowly leaning forward so he heard me perfectly.

"Hmmm, you really think that" he growled into my ear.

"Yes i do" I challenged.

"Fine" he said, grabbing my arms "lets play hide and go seek" he purred, untying the silk ropes from my wrists.

"The whole city is the field, you can go anywhere and use anything. But you can't leave the city, if you do i can do whatever i want to you" he purred into my ear.

"If you win, I'll let you have your own room in the mansion. And it can be anywhere" he said.

"But what if you win" i asked

"Hmmm oh i wonder" he stalled, untying my hands and pushing me out the door.

I sauntered over to the front door but one of Jackson's cronies grabbed me by the elbow, "let him go Eric" Jackson commanded and the hand on me retracted sharply as if i was made out of fire.

I bounce out the door because i could and no one could do a single thing, because jackson used a walkie talkie to tell people to let me go.

Once i was outside the door i ran to the closest bus station and got on a bus that went to the furthest corner of the town, far away from jackson.

Once off the bus i sprinted to my secret hiding spot that i had set up as a last resort if Jackson had ever found me while i was hiding from him.

I walked into the abandoned church/mission and locked the door from the inside, making it impossible to enter unless i unlocked the door for them, which i wouldn't.

I started jogging through the building to where i had a make shift mattress that wasn't softer than Jackson's mattress but was soft enough because the mattress was made out of stuffed animals and comforters to be a fun thing. I also had soft plush blankets i once took from Jackson's house all the times i was invited over by his sister, she didn't know i stole them from her but she stopped inviting me when i took 7 of her blankets.

I had pawned 3 of them for 60 dollars but kept the 4 because they might've come in handy if i needed cash, so i kept them here in hopes of this coming to use.

I sauntered over to the computer i bought with the 60 dollars and logged into a game and muted it while i played and waited for 24 hours.

Soon, i got tired and retreated to the plush bed with the expensive blankets, dozing off as soon as I relaxed enough

*3rd person pov*

"Aww, isn't he cute, Dia?" jacksons sister cooed.

"Why isn't he with your brother?" the strange girl asked, poking Oliver in the cheek.

"Probably just one of his twisted games of hide and seek that he rigs to where he wins every time," Sara said nonchalantly.

"Shouldn't we call him ya know to tell him where his boy toy is?" the other girl asked, standing back up from her crouched form with a phone in her hand.

"What's the fun in that?" Sara snorted, snatching the phone from Dia and stuffing it in her skirt where she knew Dia wouldn't go.

"why don't you want to get back in good graces with your brother after fucking this boy when Jackson visibly claimed him the day he saw him" Dia seethed.

"pftt, are you kidding me? all my brother did is make sure the boy wouldn't be able to date anyone by picking on him and getting into fights with the boy" Sara giggled.

"yea and that's claiming the boy for his own, ya know like you did me," Dia exasperated, throwing her hands up.

"fiiiiiine, you have a point," Sara grumbled, handing Dia her phone, " You can call him because he's still mad at me," she pouted, sitting in the torn up office chair.

"Hey Jackson," Dia said in a fake, cheerful voice. "yea i know,' we shouldn't call you unless it's an emergency', but we found that boy toy of yours. Sara found him first and had the idea to call you, " Dia said dismissively. "You coming to get him? Use find my friend with me we will say here until you get here, " she said, hanging up.

"he's on his way," Dia announced loudly, Oliver stirred a bit as well

************************************Oliver's pov (again)****************************************

I woke up to seeing Jackson's sister and another girl that Sara kept around as a friend. "Hey Ollie," Sara cooed, Poking my nose.

"w-why are you here?" i stuttered, sitting up suddenly

"me and Dia found this place yesterday and wanted to check it out again to see if anyone's been living in this place because we found the blankets that disappeared from my room in high school" Sara explains, looking pointedly.

"Buuuut, this is not all of my missing blankets" Sara said matter of factly " I'm missing 7 this is 4, where are the rest Ollie" she asked, while Dia glared at me.

"I pawned them," i said, still curled away from the two girls and yawned.

"Why would you do that you little street rat, you dirty bitch" Dia practically growled, starting to stomp towards me before sara stopped her.

"Di, calm down it's fine i have more blankets" Sara consoled, lightly rubbing dia's hand with her thumb.

"Are you both dating" I blurted out, staring at their hands.

Dia flushes to look like a tomato and Sara lightly blushes, but smirks in satisfaction, "yes, in fact we are" Sara boasted "But I'm the top" she bragged.

"But i thought you were straight" i questioned.

"Nahh, I'm bi but Di is the only girl I've ever been with because she's too darn cute to break up with" Sara gushed, hugging Dia from behind while to girl was blushing so hard she looked like she was about to turn purple.

"wheres ollie" Jackson said while walking in the room all three of us were in.....

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