The assault

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After the meeting, David stood on the castle balcony lost in his thoughts when Jane walked over to him.

Jane: "David"

David: "huh" he turned his head to look at Jane. "Oh Jane"

Jane: "Been a while huh"

David: "Yeah. How've you been?"

Jane: "Well you know, had a lot of things on my hands. Had to join the military and the league. But it was kinda ok"

David: "Heard you got to commander of the 3rd division. Pretty fast up the ranks"

Jane: "That was mostly my father's doing. But I proved myself in the end. It's kinda funny to meet again like this. You know, with you as guardian and me a division commander in the league"

David: "Jane"

Jane: "Yeah"

David: "Do you think I can beat Magnus?"

Jane: "What kind of question is that? Of course you can. You're the guardian. The strongest being of the mortal realms"

David: "No matter how much I tell myself I can do it, I don't think I actually can"

Jane: "Then stop telling yourself you can... and start believing that you can"

David smiled turning to look at her, "thanks. If everyone believes I can, then I can't let you down"

Jane: "Well, you have to win. I'm still waiting for you to invite me out on a date and you can't die till then"

David: "*giggles* will do"

A human soldier walked up to Jane "We're ready to teleport back to new earth"

Jane: "I'll be with you in a moment". She then turned to David "I have to go now. See you in 15 days"

David: "See you in 15 days"

Jane walked away leaving David behind. David convinced himself that he could do it and headed to the StarEdge. For the next 15 days, he worked hard on upgrading the StarEdge's weapons and endurance. He also upgraded its engines increasing speed. After all the waiting and preparations, the final day was upon them. The day when it was all going to be decided. Victory meant the ultimate defeat of Thanos but defeat meant death to all of them. The commanders had already rallied their armies and were waiting for Stenpor's signal. Stenpor had Gladys control the StarEdge while he teleported himself together with Varius, Nelly and David to the guardian's castle. The guardian's castle was like a moon orbiting Vexus. He then sent the signal out. Barely seconds after the signal was sent, spaceships began to appear around Vexus.

After appearing, the attack began. The fleets from the alliance engaged the defenses of Vexus in an effort to take them out before they can begin their retaliation. Without Gregory or Walter to coordinate them, the fleet of Magnus had a considerably decreased battle efficiency. Because of the strife on Slonos, Athena could only spare 4 gold knights and the knights under their command. Star knight Mico, sun knight Lexor, lightning knight Aurex and dragon king Shalga together with their silver and bronze knights arrived. They split up with Mico and his silver knights attacking the castle defenses and the rest taking on Vexus' defenses. Thanks to the powers granted to them by their suits, they were able to beat their opponents easily. The battle raged on with the alliance holding the upper hand.

Stenpor: "Let's go"

David began running towards the throne room, Stenpor teleported himself to where he felt Armistrice's aura and Nelly and Varius followed their map to the underground facilities.

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