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Naomi's P.O.V.

June 3, 1962

I opened my eyes as I heard soft tapping coming from my window. I look over to my left seeing a figure behind the curtains.

"What the hell?" I mumbled to myself as I grab the baseball bat that sat by my dresser. Then slowly walked over to the window holding up the bat.

I breathed out slowly, as my heart started pounding, and my nerves kicking in.

I jerked open the window, and to my surprise, the only person I knew in town, would be knocking on my window at 2 in the morning. 

"Hey! Calm down it's just me." Benny said holding up his hands in protective mode.

"Sorry, I just would never think someone would be knocking at my bedroom window so late." I laughed softly, and put the bat back, "Can I ask why you are?"

"What? I can't visit my friend at 2 in the morning?" He asked holding his hand over his heart.

I chuckled, "Your friend? We met 3 days ago. How did you even know this was my window?"

"People get married within 3 days, so I count us as friends. You bedroom window is the only one that faces the street," he paused pointing at the road behind him, "it wasn't that hard of a guess." 

I shrugged, "Well that isn't creepy at all," I looked back at Lucy sleeping on the bed behind me, "So I'll ask again, what brings you by?"

"Why not hang out? I thought it would be different of me to come over here at 2 in the morning. But seeing you look like this makes the whole experience better."

I rolled my eyes, "I look like a mess, don't I? Actually don't answer that."

"Would you mind if I came in?" He asked.

I look back at Lucy, then back at him, "Be quiet."

He smiled, as I stepped back to give him some room, he jumped inside.

"Let me fix my hair." I walked over to the walk in bathroom, opening up a drawer and pulling out a hair tie. I looked in the mirror, seeing him sitting at the end of the bed, trying not to disturb Lucy.

"Don't worry about waking her, she's a very heavy sleeper." I reassured him.

As I'm finishing putting up my hair, I walk back over to him, now seeing his appearance. His hair was a little messy, he wore a white tank top with a pull over jacket on top, striped pj pants, and a random pair of tennis shoes.

But then looking down at my appearance, it wasn't any better, I wore an old baseball t-shirt and some short-shorts, and shin height socks.

"So, toda-yesterday Cam was telling us about you and Lucy." He started out.

I put my head on my left hand, look at him, since he was to my right, "Oh yeah?"

He nodded, "He was telling us that you were basically raising them, as in Lucy and him."

I sighed, now looking down at my feet, "Yeah something like that. It's a hell of a long story, that we don't even need to get into."

"Okay, well we can forget about the whole family tree. Why don't you tell me more about yourself?"
I chuckled, "Why did you decided to come to my window again?"

He blushed looking down, "I got a random boost to
talk to you, that's why I'm here." He paused, "Now answer my question, tell me more about you."

"Uh, my name is Noami Helena North. I'm 15, I'm from Indiana, but I move constantly, Indiana is the only state I've lived in twice actually. I live with my mom, Cam, and Lucy, but my father, he died of cancer about 2 years ago." I paused trying to think of something else when Benny took this time to talk.

"Cam was talking about your dad yesterday, which I'm so sorry to hear about, but from what I did hear, he sounded like a great man." He responded.

I looked up from my hands, "He really was, even better as a dad."

He smiled, "That's how you got into baseball?"

I nodded, "Oh god yeah, back where my dad grew up having the last name "North" was legendary. I hope that one of us can do that too."

It was quiet between to two of us for a little, the only noise was the soft snores coming from Lucy.

"Have you ever had a boyfriend before?" He randomly asked. I chuckled at the sudden burst.

"Yes, I have. Just one though, something special."  The thought made me break a little on the inside. "Have you had a girlfriend?"

He shook his head, "Nah, girls aren't my top pride, baseball, baseball is my pride." He started to pick at his finger nails which only made me question him more.

"Have you even had a crush?" I smirked.

"Of course I've had a crush, what kind of question is that?" He said amazed and looked up at me. The only source of light was from the moon, which happen to be casting in front of the window Benny hopped in not to long ago.

"Have you had your first kiss?" I smirked even harder, he blushed looking away from my eyes.

"No." He mumbled, "I know I'm a total loser, 14 and haven't had their first kiss."

"That doesn't make you a total loser. That just means you could be waiting for the right one. Like you said baseball is your top priority."

"Yeah? How old are you when you got your first kiss?" He asked now looking at me again.

"I was 14, now that I look back at the relationship I see what was wrong with it, and I wish I never had. He was the biggest piece of shit to walk on this earth." I shrugged my shoulders, not breaking eye contact, "But that's not important. It's the past."

He nodded, "Is that all you've done?"

I looked down not knowing how to answer the question. I barely knew Benny, he sure wasn't about to know everything about me. Lying about this one thing doesn't matter. It's only one thing.

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