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Naomi's P.O.V.

June 26, 1962
(The last chapter)

Before I knew it, I was running towards the phone hurrying to call 911.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"My mother is dead, she just killed herself in her room, with a gun, she's dead I know it." I cried into the phone.

"Your mother killed herself?"

"Yes, please send out someone to help me please."

"What's your address?"

"6721 s. Eastgate Way." I choked out.

"Okay, someone is on the way."

I didn't say anything, I just closed my eyes, throwing my head down as I reached up to put the phone back on the stand.

After a few minutes, I hear the sirens coming from outside and the paramedics coming through the door.

I look up from the hard wood floor, then pointed to the hallway and walked with them back to the room where my mother laid dead.

I watch from the hallway, as they put her in a white body bag and put her on a stretcher, then walked out with her. I was trailing behind with Lucy on one side and Cam on my other.

I always wished for her to be dead, but now that it's actually happening, I feel a different way.

"What's even going to happen to us Ni?" Cam asked.

I slowly push open the screen door, and walked out to our paved driveway, and watch as they bring the stretcher to the back of the ambulance, and slam shut the back doors.

"I don't know Cam, I really don't know." I choked out.

I watch as the lights start to turn on and then they pull out of the driveway, going to the direction of the hospital.

People on the street started to come out of their houses and stand somewhere either in their driveway or street.

I look in the direction of Smalls house, seeing him, Molly, and Bill standing there, looking over at the scene. Then I look in the direction of Benny's house, and his family doing the same thing.

That's when I started to notice all the cops that happened to be parked on the street as well as two fire trucks who were now pulling out, and following the ambulance.

Two of the cops appeared in front of my eye sight.

The male cop bent down towards us and asked, "Are you the daughter of the woman who just died?"

I nodded my head slowly, "Yes sir."

"I'm going to need you and your siblings to come down to the station for questioning." He said, and then him and his partner walked back to their car, but made sure to open the back door.

I stood scared of what was going to happen next, but since I didn't really know what to do, I just followed behind. I picked up Lucy, and put my free hand on Cam's shoulder and guided him to the car. Letting him get in, and then gave him Lucy.

As I bent back up, to get in the car as well, I got a glance at Benny, who was already looking at me, and was about to start walking over to the car himself.

I looked at the officer in the drivers seat, "Can you wait for just a second?"

I didn't let him answer since I didn't really care for what he was about to say. So I ran across the street meeting Benny standing there.

"Naomi what is going on?" He asked, grabbing my arms, and looking back at my house.

"I'm fine. I'm fine, don't worry about me okay?" I paused, looking back up at him, "I'll explain everything later, just listen to me okay?"

He nodded so I went on.

"I need you to remember that you are my favorite person okay? Remember this day, we met our favorite baseball players today, this is a dream Benny. I want you to live out yours."

"Ni, in my dream, you are with me." He mumbled, starting to get emotional.

"And I will always be there. I'll be back soon."

"You're my favorite person too Naomi." He gave me and weak grin, which I returned.

I hurried and turned around heading back to the car. I hoped in, closing the door behind me. He turned on his sirens and lights and we sped passed Benny who stood on the sidewalk. I didn't do anything but stare at him as we went passed.

"You're my favorite person Benny. You're my favorite person. Never play by the rules Benny, unless you are in a game."

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