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Naomi's P.O.V.

June 6, 1962

As we walked farther and farther away from the strip, and back into the direction of our house, it made me wonder what he was going to show me. I've seen everything around our house, just not the town in general.

I didn't say anything about it though, I was just excited to be with Benny. I just looked at the ground kicking whatever rocks were there.

I can't be falling for a new boy already, not this soon anyways. I move all the time, and having to take care of a family, I don't have time to be with someone, or for that fact even talk to someone. I can't lose focus, I have school, and Lucy being in kindergarten this year, and Cameron.

Oh my gosh Cameron, has he made it home? Is he home by himself? Was mom there with him? Please for the love of god, he needs to be at someone else's house. He can't be home with my mother alone.

That's when I looked up from the ground and saw we were right in our neighborhood. On my side of the street.

"Uh Benny w-" I started but he cut me off.

"Come on. There's someone I want you to meet." He smiled nodding towards his house as we crossed the street.

I just followed his lead walking in the house behind him. I could see the top of Lucy's head, her arms were wrapped around his neck connecting behind his neck. Her eyes were closed and she was out.

"Hey mom." He mumbled as I heard footsteps coming closer to where we were.

"Hey Benny, who's this?"

Everything went slow for a second, like in slow motion. Benny stepped to the side so I was shown, I gave a small smile and waved. She took that as a sign and walked up to me hugging me.

"You must be the famous Naomi I hear so much about." She smiled, "I'm Elizabeth, I go by Beth."

I smiled, "It's very nice to meet you."

"Well come on in, let's sit and talk for a few minutes." She waving us to the kitchen.

Their house was very much like mine. No upstairs, no downstairs, just one level.

"So, I've heard you love baseball just as much as Benny does." She started off while me and Benny sat down in the chairs. Then him giving me Lucy.

"I live for the game."

She nodded pointing her finger at me, "His father did too, that's why he's so much into the game. I've came to a custom to it and then before you know it, I was in the back yard playing with them to." She paused for a minute, "I'm sorry to ask you this, but, uh, is she yours?"

"Mom." Benny begged.

I looked down at Lucy snuggled up and still sleeping, "No, uh, she's not. This is my baby sister, it's just with the state that I'm in, I'm the one taking care of her."

"Oh dear, are you alright?" She asked not taking her eyes off me.

I hate this question, all it does is makes me feel powerless, like I need the love and attention from someone that really couldn't give a damn.

"Yeah, I'm fine, it's just life." I mumbled combing my hair back.

We talked for a little while more and then I had to leave because Cam was still on my mind. I needed to make sure he was okay.

Benny walked me back to my house and I stopped at the front door and turned back to him.

"Thank you so much for this night. This is the most fun I've had in a long time." I breathed out.

He smiled at me, "Don't worry about it. I'm here for you, always, remember that."

I nodded and looked into his eyes for a little while, "If you ever need me, ever, you know where I'll be."

He started to walk backwards as I gave a little wave since I was still holding Lucy, "Okay Rodriguez. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Ni." He said before picking up his pace and walking over to his house.

I turned around and walked over to the door and twisting it open. Right when I opened the door was when the screaming started. Causing Lucy to wake up in a panic and start crying.


Cam walked through the door and then made his way to me, "Don't worry, I stayed over at Smalls till I saw you walking over here. I know how you feel about me being here when your not."

My eyes became glossy and I hugged him, "Gosh, I really don't think I can do this anymore Cam."

"Wait, Naomi, you're about to cry. You never cry. Like ever." He said putting his arms around me.

"We just need to get out of here, I don't know what to do." I mumbled into his shoulder.

June 13, 1962

Ham was in the batters box, throwing up his hand in the air and pointed to where we knew the ball was going to go. We have trying to impersonate the babe himself. Laughter erupted from the field. Just as DeNunez was throwing a pitch, he swing and miss, which made everything better.

It's been about a week since me and Benny went out. A few days ago I went back to that baseball store and got the jersey, and somehow managed to get the job while being there.

I was a cashier, but also for stock. There wasn't that many people working there so it didn't bother me, just meaning more work to make time pass.

Today has marked me being here for about 2 weeks. It was Monday. But since it was summer no one was really keeping track of the days, mainly baseball.

I played third, which never really happens of my playing infield, unless I'm a fill in or taking DeNunez spot to let him hit.

Benny was up to bat, and I watched his every move. DeNunez threw a pitch, and Benny wacked it out to left center, and took off for first. I watch as Cam, who was playing left center, ran for the ball. He threw it to shortstop, played by Squints, just as Benny was rounding third about to be home when Squints threw it to Ham.

"PITCHER!" He screamed as Benny came back to third and Ham threw me the ball.

Me and DeNunez pass it back and forth, till right when Benny was coming back towards third he was spacing it out farther and farther, till we ran around DeNunez towards home. When he finally reached it, he took a breather and walked over to me throwing his hands up for a high five.

I laughed, as I reached up giving him one.

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