Chapter 8: Post a Quick Duel Part 2, and a Friendship Sealing Encounter Part 1

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"There are a few problems with the school though- for one, Quirrell-" "Professor Quirrell, Harry", interrupted Albus.

"Dark Lord's Host Quirrel, you mean. Anyway, he's trying to get to the Philosopher's Stone which you've sealed under Fluffy the Cerberus on the third cloor corridor." Manny retorted to pandemonium... Even Snape was slightly shaken. "But that's not the only problem... We have a Basilisk in the castle. Salazar Slytherin was probably just experimenting with it though. I'll take care of both when the time comes."

Once the pandemonium calmed down, Manny told everyone except Snape and Albus that their work is done. He then had those two do a reading of Number 4, Privet Drive that weekend with the explicit condition that neither should skive off.

That night, Harry, who had switched back, answered any questions regarding the duel with "It was an informative draw." Hermione constantly had an arm around him, shocked that he had run straight into fire. Levelheaded as she was, she had managed to keep calm at the time, but the fright she got was almost tangible.

It took an hour of consoling (read hugging) from Harry after dinner to calm her down. By the next morning, she was calm as can be, though still rightfully angry at Harry. The compensation that she received from him before she forgave him was an enormous box of Cauldron Cakes- her favourite wizarding sweet, courtesy the Weasley Twins


Almost two months have passed since the duel. In this time, Harry had to deal with Blood Purist Theodore Nott quite a few times- most notably, when Nott had stolen Neville's Remembrall after he had to be carted off during their first flying class- with the Slytherins. Nott had taken the Remembrall off the ground, and taunted the Gryffindors into flying, thus having them expelled. Harry took flight, not out of a sense of nobility, but out of anger, as he had earlier heard Nott insulting Hermione behind her back.

Nott hadn't accounted for Harry's natural flying skills, though- when the ball was thrown up and it fwll toward the ground, Harry managed to do a 50-foot-steep-dive and catch it. It almost seemed that Minerva McGonagall was expelling Harry, but she instead had him join the Gryffindor Quidditch team as Seeker- the youngest player ever and in a century. Hermione fumed a bit at Harry's idiocy, but was happy nonetheless that he had made the team.

Harry and Hermione were getting closer and closer to each other, which sort of ended up coming in their way. Ron had been enthusiastic the first week, but since then had started being lazy and distracting- which had irritated Harry a lot. Since he was very studious for most of his life, he enjoyed studying, and keeping his promise with Hermione- when he wasn't dragged off for Quidditch or by Ron, anyway. This extended to Ron getting increasingly insulting toward Hermione, which had both Harry and Manny trying to keep their tempers in check

It was now Hallowe'en, and the quartet were in Charms. Filius was teaching them the Levitation charm. Harry (and Manny) was paired with Draco, while Ron, woth Hermione. Harry was pretending to be all thumbs at the charm, and Draco was doing moderately well. Ron was apparently trying to take someone's eye out, which was promptly pointed out by Hermione. She set about trying to correct Ron's spellcasting, and he challenged her, sneering "You do it then, if you're sooo clever!"

Harry, who by then had performed the charm and was lazily looking around (Filius was making rounds, and he became Model Student No. 1 instantly), was keeping his snorts in check, knowing that Ron was going to be gobsmacked. True to his prediction, Hermione had gained Gryffindor 5 points for being the second to do the charm- Harry had gained 10 points earlier for being the first.

After class though, Ron had to cross the line. He had pushed his way to Harry and proceeded to mock her for being a 'know-it-all', ending with " Honestly, she's a bloody nightmare!" Hermione had heard that and ran away, pushing Harry's hand away with teary eyes. In that moment, Harry and Manny both felt something inside themselves snap. (T)he(y) dragged Ron away to an empty classroom.

Once in that classroom, they finally let their control go.
The scene went something like this:-

Harry (deathly quiet): What's your problem with Hermione, Ron?

Ron (defensive): Well, it's true- she is a nightmare! What's wrong with you? Wouldn't you of all people agree? I mean, she needs to sort out her priorities!

Manny (switching with Harry)  (menacing): We're warning you just this once- Lay off on Hermione, or else...

Ron (smugly sneering): Well, explain why your only reaction to anything I say about her is you closing your eyes with an impassive face- I reckon she'll be hurt equally hurt by th-

Harry (dangerously close to their breaking point):  We guess we should've told you off the first time- and we'll explain ourself to her later, but you wouldn't know just how angry we was every time she was insulted. Our reaction was to keep ourself in control to make sure we do nothing that we would regret, you BLOODY FUCKING IDIOTIC POOFTER! THE NEXT TIME WE HEAR YOU EVEN INSULT HER, YOU WILL SORELY REGRET IT! DO WE MAKE OURSELF CLEAR!?

Once they was done tearing Ron apart, they skipped the rest of the day looking for Hermione. It wasn't until around 4 o'clock when they found her, with a little help from Parvati and Lavender, who were kind enough (and incredibly terrified, having heard the shouting match earlier). Entering the girls' toilet on the first floor, Harry and Manny heard her sobbing in one of the cubicles. Steeling themself to receive anything from her without complaint, as they had to from Vernon Dursley, they knocked on that very cubicle.

Immediately, they heard her voice- "Who is it!? Leave me alone!", said in such a hit and sad tone that their heart ached. Regretting their temper, they replied in a double timber (the difference lied in their voices), " It's us, Hermione. We're really sorry that we didn't stand up for you earlier. Would you forgive us, please?"

Not expecting to hear both of them, forget Harry, Hermione opened the cubicle and proceeded to shriek disgustedly, "Why didn't either of you stand up when he had insulted me all those times!? Even though you promised me your friendship, you still didn't do so! You know how hurt I was since our childhood! You couldn'tve been less angry than then! So why keep silent!??? Tell me, Harry, are you worth my trust, or should I just return to the Muggle world?"

Her heartfelt and acidic words immediately affected them deeply. They knew now that they had made an enormous mistake in this relationship and they was ready to do anything to regain her trust. If she told them to die, they would have died in front of her, and if she wanted anyone dead, they would have let her witness that person's death. They said, taking her hand "We am not worth your trust, or friendship. However, tell us what to do to regain your trust, and we will have it done. We don't want to lose you, and will ensure that we regain your trust for good this time. Just, please, give us another chance!" The remorse was palpable, even in teh double timber.

Thinking about it, she finally said, a bit acidly "There is something you can do, but you must do it. Is that clear?"
An immediate and resounding "Yes Ma'am!" rang through.

Once they heard it though, they were dreading the loss of their first and best friend.

A/N: To clarify, Harry and Manny can sometimes share consciousness, albeit unknowingly, and only in times of great emotion. The grammatical errors are deliberate, in order to signify that change.

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