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The scent of him filled her, warm and comforting. Her spare hand found his lower back, pulled him to her. Warm. Every inch of him felt war, burning her icy skin until it dug into her flesh and crept up her nerves. The heat of him crept into her core where it kindled something. The fire bubbled in her chest, strong and powerful. He loved her. Even with what little he offered it was enough.

A brilliant light had filled the room, white and hot and blinding. Krys opened her eyes as everything began to fade, let go of Graham. He wouldn't remember here anyway. She'd lost him again and wasn't even granted the split second to mourn that loss. Constantine was blind and she had only a moment before he could see again, only a moment to take advantage of the advantage Graham had given her.

Constantine. The very name tainted her mind. Constantine tortured his own daughter, his own wife, gave orders that lead Ero to capturing Graham. Constantine with his specialized harvesting chambers hidden beneath hospitals. Constantine, responsible for so much loss in Krys' life, had just taken the last piece: Graham's memory and love of her.

Rage, unbridled, unbidden, roiled beneath the crackling embers of the knowledge that Graham had loved her. It sparked, taking hold of the fuel she had been given, and consumed all in its path.

"I love you too," she whispered, stepping back, wishing she could stay but not wanting to risk his life.

The tips of her fingers pricked, tingled with an electricity she'd only experienced once. If he had seen the wreckage of Dustan's manor... Constantine should have known better. A violent eruption of blue flame burst from her, licking the floor, leaping as high as the first tier of balconies. She heard screaming and smiled. She had her chance.

Constantine stood hunched one hundred meters away near the door where she had last seen him. He was clutching his eyes. She ran. With everything she had she sprinted. He was so close, so close she could taste his blood, ripe for being spilled. The fire trailed her, catching up with her only as she stopped, her knee rammed into Constantine's face. He toppled, staggering back, barely managed to collect himself when Krys spun round and landed a solid kick to his stomach. The glass door cracked as his body colided with it. He slumped, his vest smoldering.

Madam Eliza Constantine started screaming behind her gag, flailing. Krys turned to her, eager to release her from her restraints. Eliza could bring the entire building crashing down if she wanted. Krys needed her. Eliza, however, had different plans. She was staring behind Krys, gesturing frantically with her chin.

Spinning, Krys saw Ero, her long, lean body circling the edge of the room. She moved slowly like a panther stalking its prey, prey whose weakness she knew intimately: Graham, she was moving toward Graham. He hadn't come to his senses yet. He just stood there, dazed and unmoving, blinking dumbly at the fire creeping up the walls.

"No!" Krys screamed. He looked straight at her, his eyes dead and unfeeling. "Graham! Move! She's coming for you! Graham!"

He glanced over his shoulder just in time for Ero to pounce, her palm striking his face, her claws tearing at his ear. He screamed. Krys screamed, low and guttural and angry. Leaving Eliza for later, Krys launched herself back across the room.

Ero smirked, shifted her weight, made to meet Krys head on. She ducked Krys' first punch, sliding on her knees. Stopping herself with her palm, Ero pivoted, used her palm to push her left leg up. Sparks danced as she landed a solid kick to Krys' hip sending her toppling backward. In one movement, while Krys was still reeling, she stood, grabbed Krys' flailing arm and pulled only to backhand Krys in the jaw. Blood pooled in Krys' mouth. She spat. Most of it landed on her shirt. She had to recover, had to regain control. Ero had her arm, had her leg wrapped. Fire or no, all Ero had to do was push and Krys would be on her back on the floor. She had to take control.

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