The Eyes - [Nagito Komaeda x Reader]

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A short warning! While this isn't a full lemon, some of this oneshot has some sexual themes in it, so move forward at your own discretion!

Thank you so much, and I hope you enjoy!


That's all you could do after the first trial.

Teruteru Hanamura had been found guilty of the murder of Byakuya Togami, a jarring truth that the remaining 14 students on the island had to come to grips with after watching his execution.

You couldn't bear it, watching him plead to know about his ill-stricken mother, just to know if she was okay, safe after he had left her. How undeniably human, you had to admit. The fear instilling in your heart in those moments were unlike anything you'd have felt in your life.

And selfishly, most of it wasn't Teruteru's trial.

It was Nagito Komaeda, the ultimate lucky student, who had up until that point been your favorite person to hang out with on the island.

He was level headed and sweet, always helping you when you needed help. And although you constantly tried to raise his self esteem, trying to break him away from his habit of degrading himself, it seems like he couldn't be stopped no matter the amount of times you rigorously tried to stop him or improve his low self esteem. Regardless, he always seemed chipper and happy to talk to you.

But when he revealed his true self during the trial, it's almost like all of that went out the window.

He tried to kill Byakuya. He tried to kill your friend. And for what? Simply to kick-start this hellish killing game? To push forward his delusional hope-filled ideals? Hell if you knew. You were too overwhelmed with emotion. Rage, horror, sadness... for lack of better wording, absolute despair. Nagito, who you had become extremely close to in the few days leading up to the party, who you developed the tiniest of crushes on, was a raving lunatic.

And there was nothing you could do about it.

When you had learned that Kazuichi and Nekomaru had tied him up in the dining hall of the old building, you were absolutely infuriated. You of course tried to go over there to see him, to scream in his face and beg him to tell you why, but Kazuichi and Nekomaru restrained you as you kicked and screamed in anguish and protest.

"C-calm down!" Kazuichi murmured, squeezing your middle as your tantrum slowly died down. "Jeez, you don't want us to tie you up too, do ya? He's a freak! Just let him be!"

You whimpered, frustrated tears rolling down your cheeks. "He's not a freak..."

Nekomaru quirked an angry brow, his grip loosening on your limbs as he settled down. "Why are you defending him?"

A small whisper escaped your cracked lips, your eyes tired and heavy as you spoke. "I... I don't know."

You did know, as a matter of fact. You just didn't want to seem bonkers. The real truth was, you deeply cared about Nagito. You wanted him to be okay, you wanted to help him any way you could. What he did was unforgivable, but that couldn't stop the fact that you felt such a strong connection with him.

So you dropped it, and everyone simply seemed to forget.

Until one fateful morning, as you sat eating in the hotel restaurant, the boisterous Mahiru Koizumi stomped over to you, a growl on her lips and a tray in her hands.

"(Y/N)! I'm having a day!" She groaned, slumping down next to you. You giggled gently, setting down your fork and dabbing your mouth with a napkin before responding.

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