Chapter 5: Outside World

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Yoshiki hadn't woken up since his seizure. The doctors confirmed to me and Miki that he had fallen into a phase 4 coma.

( lol I don't know what phase 4 coma is I made it up😝)

Miki sobbed at the news, for she loved him as much as Yuka loved Mochida. I can't imagine what Yuka would do if this happened to him. He's her everything, same with Miki. She adores her big brother, even thought he was disowned.

The next day, I arrive back at the hospital, in my uniform. Miki's holding Yoshiki's hand, her eyes red and puffy.

" Hey, Ayumi." She says, her voice depressed.

She stands up to hug me, and I notice the dark, baggy circles around her eyes.

" Miki, how much did you sleep last night?" I asked her urgently. She wiped at her eyes and yawned.

" I didn't sleep."

" What?"

" I couldn't. I was afraid that if I went to sleep, Onii-chan would die."

She began to shake with quiet sobs, her face buried in her hands.

" Onii-chan... Onii-chan... Wake up..."

I threw my arms around her, and held her tight. I felt so bad for the poor girl, having to go through all this.

" It'll be okay, Miki. Yoshiki won't die. He'll wake up soon, I promise."

Miki sniffed, smiling at me. " Thanks, Ayumi. Can I call you Onee-chan, just for now? I need to be able to call somebody that, since my real Onii-chan is in a coma."

I smiled. " Sure, call me Onee-chan."

Miki grinned softly. Then she gave a big yawn.

"Oh! Hey, do you want to take a nap on the couch, while I watch Yoshiki? You need the sleep, Miki."

Miki gladly agreed, and curled up on the small couch in the corner. Soon enough, she's snoring.

I make my way over to Yoshiki, who's still as a corpse. Soft breaths escape his mouth, with the occasional small mumble. I take his hand in mine, and it's warm. That makes me happy, because I know that he's still alive as he was before all this, when he still talked and laughed with the rest of us.

" Yoshiki, please be okay. Please wake up. Your little sister needs you. Miki needs you."

At the sound of his sister's name, he twitches. I chuckle. Even in a coma, he still cares for her. I reach out and stroke his cheek. It's soft.

" You really do care for her, Yoshiki. If only you cared for me like that..."

" He does."

Miki's woken up behind me. She sits on the couch, smiling.

" What?"

" He does care that much about you. He just doesn't show it because he knows you love another guy. He really likes you, even though he knows you'll never like him like that. "

"No... He can't love me, I know he doesn't."

Miki gives me a look. " You're oblivious. I've seen the way he looks at you, the way he'll try to get your attention. Have you not noticed any of this?"

Now that she said it, I did begin to remember. Yoshiki volunteering to help clean the class with me, him chatting with me during lunch. How could I have been so stupid?

He does love me.

And I think I might love him.

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