18. Drama

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Don't you know we got the lead?

The lead in what?

The ever playing show?

What show?

The show we're playing,
all day and all night.
People are watching you know, or at least it's a thought...

I've imagined life to be so dramatic,
It's like we laugh, we cry, we hug and we're scared,
So if anything, the drama that we're watching is reflecting who we are.

We don't have a script,
We always go impromptu.
It's crazy,
You know,
What if we're in this drama,
This dramatic world,
But in real fact,
We didn't exist?
I don't know anymore.

There's Science,
There's Art,
There's basically everything,
But the thing is,
Mankind has defined this,
We didn't get a say in what was to happen,
We didn't know what happened,
I guess that's the use of history,
Although it's still a mystery like 'the triangle'.

Some things can't be explained,
But I hope,
we all,
one day know.
Know everything and why...
[The Answers to all The Questions]

I can tell I'm being dramatic and likely deep,
But I don't take credit for what I speak.
Cause the brain I have,
It's not mine,
It's a simulation that I think
I've overcome overtime.
It's just a manifestation of what we're told to think,
But I think I've surpassed all the intellectual obstacles and got to this.

I don't know what to say,
But all I know,
In this world, we can leave our marks,
We can change the world we live in,
We can define
What we are,
Who we are,
And what we're going to be.

'No one said that
Dreams or Nightmares
Come today and go away,
No one said that.'

Do you believe we're in a drama?
What do you know now?
Believe...me, hopefully🥺

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