23. Healing

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You want the pain to go away
But you're not taking your medicine
Or putting the band-aids to your injury.

Let it sting first,
Let it sink in,
Let you be aware of the unbearable pain.
I know you want plasters, but that's not going to fix it.
Push through the pain,
And walk step by step.
Nurture your injury back to great health and grow...
I want to see growth,
Then heal...

Let the pain leave you,
It will in time,
But for now it's going to hurt,
It's going to burn,
But know you're going to heal,
You're going to survive this.

Don't put to much pressure on yourself,
There's a whole lot coming from all directions.
Tell me,
Tell me I'm going to be ok.
Tell me you're going to be ok.
[Tell Me]

Cry now,
Suffer now,
While you still can.

Take things step by step
Towards the window
And open it.

Don't rush to the healing,
Nothing good comes out of rash behaviour.
Don't aggravate your pain,
Don't make yourself suffer,
Cause I know you don't.

Press against a smooth silky surface,
Put yourself in the sunshine blur,
And breathe...
Calm Down and get better, soon.
Don't push yourself to your limits,
Cause when you do,
You suffer the consequences,
Reap the benefits of life and cherish it.
Emotionally & Mentally,
Please rest.
Seek help when you need to and try therapeutic breathing with mist filled with essential soothing oils and let yourself heal.
Let your body take up all the richness of rest and relaxation.
Don't stress, we'll always be stressed if we do.

Don't put on that mask,
Trying to prove your all so strong,
The strongest people are the ones who suffer the most.
Don't let painkillers do your job, you've got to learn to face your struggles, ok?
You're not alone,
You're never alone.

If you need to cry,
Just cry, cry, cry, cry, cry.
Just say goodbye to the sorrow,
Bye, Bye, Bye.
Let them tears dry, dry, dry, dry, dry.


Heal your soul and all, all, all, all, all
Rest well,
Don't cry, cry, cry, cry, cry
Laugh at the comedy,
There ain't no rom-com playing in this town.
Be happy once again,
Don't cry, cry, cry.

Be natural,
Don't put all that powder,
Be like a musical,
Be loud with a storyline.
Don't soak up melancholy,
Look at the flip side.


'Take your time to recover,
Cause there's no band-aid for the growing pains.'
- Alessia Cara
(The Pains Of Growing)
Inspired by: rosescutyoutoo

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