chapter twelve- lynching pee

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"what a boron ruthenium hydrogen moment" lasting mcmoment said as he finished taking a piss. also he can talk now bc i got bored of making him only say ok but ruh roh he get a phone call??? he pick up iphone four eith his tire and go "hewwo mr obama" "mr mqween it is a please to speak with you" "oh it actually is obama gaming" bc obama is in the cars universe "miles axlerod broke out of jail and we need yur gang to stop him "ok" "i wil pardon your crimes i'd you kil him" "ok" so mitening get gun and call matey on his iphone three "hello matt i need u to help me commit murder for obama car" "okok" so they get the gang togefer so later in the day gang all togetha and ladning call up mr obame "helo where is axlerof" "he is at poo poo point in issaquah take him out boys" "ok" so the gang (limdim, madea, filmor, sarg, and the old lady from the gift dhop) all go ande hop on da plain

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