The taste of your lips

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~Flashback to Kakashi's play~

Young Kakashi: "I won't let you harm the princess!"

Some kid who's playing the villain: "Ha! Like I care about that!"

Kakashi: "Then you'll have to go through me first!"

Some kid: "That's fine by me! I'll take you down easily!"

They both rush in towards each other for a pretend battle that's part of the play. Everything was rehearsed well to make it look believable enough as a real battle but without anyone actually getting injured. In this moment both of the actors were running with their kunai knifes in hands, ready to have a battle with them, when suddenly a piece of cloth from the costume that was a bit too big for the young actor tangled itself over Kakashi's leg and made him trip. The boy started to fall while he still had his arm that held the knife stretched out at the pretend enemy, who at the moment was already in a close proximity with young Kakashi, causing the kunai to stab into the poor boys shoulder slicing it and making the blood pour out of the wound. This incident caused unrests among the viewers and of course the actors. Therefore, the play was cancelled and the injured kid was rushed to the infirmary leaving Kakashi feeling guilty and getting scolded.

~Present time~

"A play... Hokage requested a play for the upcoming festival and I am supposed to be the lead actor... And on top of that I have to spread the word about that to other shinobi... Why do I always get stuck with such responsibilities?" Iruka sighs as he walks back home.

"Yo. What's with the sighs? Did something happen?" A voice comes from behind Iruka's back.

As he turns back he notices it's Kakashi. "Oh, it's you Kakashi. Well, it's nothing serious... Just that I got the lead role for a play and on top of that I need to invite others to it. Oh! Speaking of which, maybe I can invite you then?"

Kakashi pauses for a short second before quickly answering. "No thanks."

Iruka's face slightly clouds up at the gotten response before he quickly realizes something. "May I ask if it is because of that accident from that play?"

"No. I'm just not interested, that's all." Kakashi simply replys.

"I feel like you really should give it a try. As I know, since then you haven't been to any plays at all. This could be your chance to get over what happened."

"Sorry, I'm still not interested." Kakahi jumps up in a tree and then disappears.

"I guess then I'll have to change your mind." Iruka mumbles out as he watches Kakashi leaving.

For the past week Iruka keeps trying to convince Kakashi to go to the play but with no avail.

"Okay, this time I'll convince him for sure! He won't escape me!" Iruka proclaims to himself as he hids behind a door waiting for Kakashi to walk up to it for the right moment to jump out in front of him. "Just a little bit closer, a little bit closer." He mumbled to himself as he listened to Kakashi's footsteps. "Now!" Iruka quickly opened the door and jumped out from the room hoping to get Kakashi by surprise. To his misfortune he calculated things wrongly. Therefore, he bumped into Kakashi and they both started falling down.

As he was falling backwards because someone ran into him, Kakashi closed his eyes. Once he was already laying on the floor with this someone on top of him, the white haired man opened his eyes to see what exactly happened. As his eyes quickly looked over the situation he noticed that the man on top of him had brown hair put up in a pony tail, but that's when Kakashi realized that this man's lips are pressed to his tough the only thing that actually separated them was his mask.

The taste of your lips. (Kakashi x Iruka oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now